Matan Torah & Technology


From the foot of Mt. Sinai the Torah traveled with the Jewish People and sustained the nation for thousands of years. In the Beginning the Torah traveled by word of mouth, from rabbi to student, father to son, from generation to generation. ( Unlocking Matan Torah )

Eventually it was written down to be preserved for all generations to come.


Over the centuries tens of thousands of books were added to help explain the Torah and the library of Torah knowledge grew to unbelievable proportions. Today Hebrew University in Jerusalem houses over five million volumes, which is by far the world’s largest collection of Judaic Books.

With all those books and all that information, the challenge has been to find what you are looking for. The giant Torah Scholars have their methods, they study, review and more review, but what about me and you – how can one possibly find what they need quickly and efficiently?

Along came Bar Ilan University and the Judaic Library on USB….


Their software is relied upon by thousands of Rabbanim and Batei Din in Israel and throughout the world. It is universally praised as the best software for Jewish Research and Bible Study. The Bar Ilan Judaic Library sets the benchmark for Jewish Educational Software.

Now the University is celebrating the release of their New Version Bar Ilan 23+ to see what was added
new – simply click here.


Just like every year, the New Release  heralds Bar Ilan’s Clearance of the “left over stock from the previous version” this year too the  Clearance has unbelievable deals.

The Bar Ilan also has special Torah Library for Torah Umesorah affiliated schools. Torah Umesorah is a long time advocate of the Bar Ilan Judaic Library for School Libraries and also for individual teachers – as it saves hours of class preparation. It also saves umpteen hours of Searching for sources and saves the tedious typing of Hebrew with a simple cut and paste.


New  Jewish Apps…

I saw an excellent Matan Torah App for Android. I think it is one of the best Jewish Apps on the market – it really does the job – you can check it out click here.

And not only Android – here is a hot link for iPhone and iPad.


What else is New?  There is also Great News for Jewish Day schools located outside of the USA. In the past ordering software was expensive due to the Shipping – but NO MORE – here is a Download Page you’ll really be happy toBookmark – it will save you serious money.


If Hebrew Language is what you need to know – look no further this link is a winner.

If want to Upgrade your old Bar Ilan give me a call at 1-800-925-6853 Ext. 210 and I’ll try to get you a deal now during the Mattan Torah Promotion. Or…just click here send an email and I’ll get back to you.

Shmuel for TES/Bar Ilan

2 Responses

  1. Perhaps you should be more careful It what you print.

    To say Torah was passed on my word of mouth is not true .

    The written Torah was given by Moshe only the oral was by word of mouth

    It is bad enough you print untruth about many thing. How about being careful about Torah

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