Rabbi Aaron Ramati Of Be’er Miriam Sent to House Arrest

ramatiAfter a number of days in incarceration, Rabbi Aaron Ramati, the head of the Be’er Miriam School in Yerushalayim, was sent by the court to house arrest. The rabbi was hospitalized during his remand in Shaare Zedek Medical Center after a prison doctor order him to be admitted.

The court on Wednesday, 17 Iyar, released the rabbi with restrictions which include house arrest in his brother’s home for seven days, and forfeiting a 5,000 NIS bond and not speaking about or dealing with the matter at hand for seven days as the police investigation continues.

Defense attorney Itamar Ben-Givir expressed delight that his client was released from remand. He added police have interviewed dozens of students and persons familiar with the rav, all of whom explaining the allegations against him are baseless. Ben-Givir added that after the big media splash, the only legitimate charges that may remain is his client’s failure to report salaries as he should and he and his client are saddened and pained that Israel Police acted based on rumors and unfounded information against the rav.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. That the prosecution wants a gag order directed at the defendant suggests the prosecution is afraid that the defendant will say things that will discredit the police.

    But it should be noted that the Israeli police and prosecutors are the most fair minded in the Middle East. By the standards of that region, they are nice guys, and this illustrates. In most countries in the region the execution usually comes before the indictment.

  2. Note:
    it baffles many minds why this guy is being targeted. It seems like the students’ chiloni parents have made the police so crazy to get involved when they realized that their kids became frum and detached from secularism that the police are just doing this to satisfy them…. I’ve read up a lot on this. watched clips.. looks like any other regular very frum israeli sem.

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