Ichud Hatzalah Assists Israel Police with Yiddish

unnamed (5)Israel Police and Ichud Hatzalah are both finalizing preparations for Lag B’Omer in Meron and part of the interagency cooperation has led to Ichud assisting police with communicating with the many visitors expected in Meron.

Tel Aviv Traffic Enforcement Deputy Commander of Israel Police Superintendent Oren Monitin visited Ichud’s national headquarters in Jerusalem to meet with Yiddish speaking EMS volunteers who assisted him in a crash course in Yiddish ahead of Lag B’Omer.

Officials from MK Eliezer Menachem Moses’ office took part in the effort to assist police in polishing up on key Yiddish terms.

unnamed (1) unnamed (2) unnamed (3) unnamed (4) unnamed (5) unnamed (6) unnamed

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Good idea, though it surprises me that this is the first such effort I’ve heard of for government agencies to acquire better understanding of Yiddish considering the size of the population that speaks it there.

    I would imagine speaking Yiddish is as beneficial in Israel as speaking Spanish has become in America.

    I wonder how Israeli officials’ knowledge of Yiddish compares with their knowledge of Arabic.

  2. The yiddish speaking there are not a threat so they dont need to know yiddish as much as arabic. Besides, most can understand hebrew even if they refuse to speak it. they are doing it now maybe because of the ethiopian riots so they want to show the chareidim they are not racist.

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