Stern: They Sold Yiddishkheit to Fanatic Chareidim

sternFormer Member of Knesset Elazar Stern laments the agreements signed by Likud with the Shas and Yahadut Hatorah parties.

Stern, who championed the battle for liberal state religious services that rabbonim shlita state contradict halacha, responded to the announced coalition agreement signed by Shas. He accuses Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu “of selling the nation’s Jewishness to fanatic chareidi elements. If this were not enough, he insulted the legal system by eradicating laws that were passed, the same laws he backed. Netanyahu delivered a mortal blow to the political system and the public’s trust in politicians”.

Stern points out that while Yahadut Hatorah has six seats Likud received thirty, hence the prime minister in his deal-making with the chareidi party sold out his own voters, which represent a far larger number of citizens than the chareidi party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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