Deri Says ‘No’ To a Deputy Minister from Bayit Yehudi

deriShas leader Aryeh Deri announced that he will not accept a situation in which the Ministry of Religious Services has a deputy minister from the Bayit Yehudi party. Last week it was reported that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu decided to give the ministry to Shas instead of Bayit Yehudi but he is seeking to have something in hand for Bayit Yehudi which vied for control of the ministry as well.

Deri is using his objection to a Bayit Yehudi deputy minister to gain control of another ministry, demanding if the deputy minister is appointed against his will, he wants control of the Ministry of Galil & Negev Development.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This week will tell who has the stronger nerves, Deri or Netanyahu. It is not that Derti has not internalized the fact that Shas were left with only 7 seats; he has. That has made him stand firmer not wither away. He knows that unless he is at the fulcri=um of power in this Parliament, he is lost.

  2. This week will tell who has the stronger nerves, Deri or Netanyahu. It is not that Deri has not internalized the fact that Shas were left with only 7 seats; he has. That has made him stand firmer not wither away. He knows that unless he is at the fulcrum of power in this Parliament, he is lost.

  3. Would add that there’s likely to be some religious ministry watering-down coming from Finance, as Kahlon is stating he’s going to move tor public buses to operate on Shabbos.

  4. Bayit yehudi is actually strenthening Yahadut

    AM Yisrael, Torat Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael

    Dont ignore the nation, bring them closer to Torah with love, thay are thirsting for Torah

    searchin 345 here are some rav ovadia quotes for you…
    On Aryeh Deri “They judged him in court – why take someone who is a thief?” “Why would you take someone who accepts bribes

    On Bayit yehudi Rabbi Ovadia reportedly told Rabbi Ben Dahan that he actually likes – or loves – the Bayit Yehudi party and its supporters. (after meeting with Rabbiu ben dahan in Aug 2013)

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