Latest on Traffic Jam Scandal: Christie Declines Comment

chrGov. Chris Christie has declined to comment on an expected guilty plea by one of his former political allies in politically motivated traffic tie-ups near the George Washington Bridge in 2013.

A person with knowledge of the case says David Wildstein is scheduled to plead guilty Friday morning. The person wasn’t authorized to release the information before the hearing and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Christie declined to comment Friday morning as he left a hotel in McLean, Virginia, after speaking at a technology breakfast,

Wildstein was an official at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time of the tie-ups. He arrived at federal court in Newark around 8:45 a.m. Friday with his attorney.


One Response

  1. If I was a betting man which I’m not , I would put it on hillary, Hillary will landslide into the presidency ! Not a single republican stands a remote chance, unfortunately and very frightening

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