House GOP Bill Blocks New Air Flights, Cruise Ships to Cuba

senHouse Republicans are moving to sharply curb the Obama administration’s recent moves to ease restrictions on travel to Cuba.

A provision backed by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida would block new air flights and cruise ship travel to Cuba. It was added to a must-pass transportation spending bill that’s coming to the House floor next month.

The administration issued new rules in January that would significantly ease travel restrictions to Cuba and permit regularly scheduled flights for the first time since the revolution more than five decades ago. The GOP move would thwart the new flights but leave in place new rules permitting the import of limited amounts of goods like cigars and rum.

The provision is sure to spark controversy and a veto threat from the White House.


2 Responses

  1. FINALLY! Some signs of civilization returning to the U.S. May this be only the first of many actions to stop the lawlessness Obama has unleashed on this country from within and without.

  2. “We can’t be a party of no,” Gov. Bobby Jindal said.

    Gov. Jindal, we are still “the party of no.”

    Gov. Jindal, we are the the “stupid party.”

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