WATCH: Did Baltimore Mayor Give Protesters ‘Space To Destroy”?

10 Responses

  1. Oh come on. Baltimore is DEMOCRAT Country so what ever they do or don’t do is just perfect. They can always fall back on the time tested response: “this is all because of those evil white racist Republican males who where here before us”.

  2. It does seem reasonable for the police to protect the middle class people who dominate the government. One of the problems of being poor is that the government is a lot nicer to those who are paying the bill. Its a good sign that Baltimore is reorienting itself based on class rather than race.

  3. She’s aloud two say watt ever she wonts because if ewe spell the wards differently thay taik on a knew meaning! Sew their!

  4. The Mayor is being criticized for at worst, a slip of the tongue (that in any event is clearly being taken out of context). What she clearly meant, and only slightly less clearly said, was that in giving the peaceful protesters the opportunity and space to exercise their first amendment right of assembly, the City unfortunately allowed the rioters an opportunity to wreak havoc.

    This article is just inciteful.

  5. Oh STOP IT. Every single news channel has twisted her words and it’s just not right. You try being a leader of a city and know that you will be accused of violating the first amendment if you don’t let protests happen. What she said was that she told the police to give the (peaceful) protesters space, and unfortunately, by doing so, that also gave violent people space – as opposed to just banning everyone from the streets so that violence wouldn’t have the slightest opening. Focus on the news, people, not on hyping up and misconstruing everything that leaders who are exhausted and frazzled and trying to keep things sane say.

  6. The video presented is merely a sound bite, not her whole sentence, and it is therefore insufficient to judge what she actually said or meant. To so take the mayor’s words out of any context is mere sensationalism that is worthy of secular news organizations, not of a Torah site.

  7. Funny how the libs always fall back on their “taken out of context” line when they say a stupid thing but when a republican or Bibi (“no two states under my watch”) say things it is always exactly what they said with no room for explanations.

  8. I agree this is not what she meant to say, people are twisting her words. BUT and a BIG BUT, her actions speak louder than words, she has allowed them to go crazy and hurt so many.

    Actions speak louder than words!!!

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