Many Arrested in Northern Israel Real Estate Scam

mishIsrael Police on Monday morning 8 Iyar announced the arrest of suspected in what is being described as a major real estate scam in northern Israel. The arrests are the result of an investigation spearheaded by the 433 Unit, Israel’s FBI.

Police report that in recent years, the real estate ring was operating in the north. They have been using forged documents in an effort to illegally take possession of land in the area. The arrests involved over 20 plots of land, most agricultural, and in most cases, most of the owners were aware of what occurred.

In some cases, the land was sold as they showed forged ownership papers to the buyer. Over 30 suspects were arrested in the raid, including a number of attorneys. Their offices were raided as well and police confiscate computers as well as documents. All suspects are being remanded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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