Councilman Deutsch Collaborates With Comptroller Stringer And State Officials To Ensure Swift Claims Settlements

11Councilmember Chaim Deutsch and New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer announced today multiple successful reimbursements for motorists who had sustained tire damage due to milling and paving work being done along Ocean Avenue for three weeks in November 2014 by the New York City Department of Transportation.

Eleven cars had their tires punctured or their rims damaged after a manhole became exposed on Ocean Avenue and Avenue L during the roadwork. Councilmember Deutsch and Councilmember Jumaane Williams worked with Comptroller Stringer’s office, whose office settles and adjusts all claims against the City, to ensure that those who reported damage were swiftly reimbursed for the repair expenses they incurred.

“Sometimes it takes a bumpy road to show that government can be responsive to its constituents. Today is an example of how we can work together to produce results,” said Comptroller Scott Stringer. “I want to thank Councilmember Deutsch and Councilmember Williams for working collaboratively with my office to ensure the swift processing of these tire damage claims. With his office’s help, residents submitted the proper information within the required time period, and my claims processing bureau was able to reimburse all parties as quickly as possible. Today, all claimants who incurred damages due to the roadwork on Ocean Avenue have been reimbursed or have received an offer.”

The Comptroller’s Office attempts to settle meritorious claims in which an individual was injured or their property was damaged as a result of the City’s negligence. In Fiscal Year 2014, the Comptroller’s Office received 2,800 claims related to vehicle damage from defective road conditions which resulted in payouts of around $200,000.

Additionally, in December of 2014 a series of tire slashings occurred within the 48th Council District, affecting dozens of car owners. Councilmember Deutsch worked with the Director of the NYS Office of Victim Services, Elizabeth Cronin, and State Senator Simcha Felder to ensure a smooth reimbursement process for eligible victims of this incident.

“We can’t undo the past or make up for the hassle, but I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues to ensure reimbursement for many of the people who were subject to these out-of-pocket expenses. Both of these success stories are indicative of what can be accomplished when City and State elected officials work together with our governmental agencies for the benefit of our constituencies,” said Councilmember Chaim Deutsch. “I thank Comptroller Stringer, Senator Felder, Councilmember Williams, and Director Cronin for collaborating with me to arrange for these refunds.”

“I am pleased that together we were able to secure these reimbursements to compensate motorists who suffered damage last December. I am thankful for the efforts of Councilman Deutsch, Comptroller Scott Stringer, and Director Elizabeth Cronin, who helped make this a possibility,” said State Senator Simcha Felder.

OVS Director Elizabeth Cronin said, “This announcement is timely, as it happens during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, a time when we work to make people aware that there are services and compensation available to them should they become a victim of crime through no fault of their own. This year’s theme, Engaging Communities, Empowering Victims, sends a clear and strong message that through partnerships, we can provide the support and services that will empower victims to direct their own recovery.”

“I would like to thank Comptroller Stringer and Councilmember Deutsch for helping motorists who sustained tire damage from road work done bordering our districts. Today’s announcement sends a clear message that government will work to right wrongs and ensure that our constituents who incurred damages receive what’s due to them. I look forward to working with Councilmember Deutsch on behalf of our shared neighborhoods as we have in the past,” said Councilmember Jumaane D. Williams (D-Brooklyn) Deputy Leader and Chair of the Council’s Housing and Buildings Committee.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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