Attorney General to Bid Farewell After 6-Year Tenure

holderAttorney General Eric Holder bids farewell to the Justice Department after six years as the nation’s top law enforcement official.

Holder is set to address employees at an afternoon ceremony.

A tribute video with appearances by his wife, President Barack Obama and members of Congress will be shown. In it, Holder describes an “emotional attachment” to the Justice Department and describes efforts to protect civil rights, prosecute terror suspects in federal court and change the criminal justice system.

His successor is Loretta Lynch. She was confirmed by the Senate on Thursday and will be sworn in Monday at the White House.

Holder is a former judge and U.S. attorney who took the job in 2009. He’s the third-longest serving attorney general in U.S. history.


3 Responses

  1. So I guess this disgraced unelected criminal, Eric Witholder, will walk away scott free from the murder of a white American border guard Brian Terry, that came about thru HIS gun running scandal, “fast & furious”?!

  2. In all fairness, he is no worse than people such as John Yoo (in the Bush Administration). The two sides of the dispute over presidential powers is not a partisan one, since both parties have factions supportive of a strong executive branch, and factions supporting a limited presidence and support for civil liberties. His support for civilian trials for terrorists is actually a very conservative position well base in American legal theory, even if otherwise he advoactged presidential powers at the expense of the legislature and the citizenry.

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