Zomet Institute Leader Speaks Out Strongly Against ‘KosherSwitch’

lThe promoters of the new “KosherSwitch” are working hard to get the word out, promoting a light switch which they explain is endorsed by rabbonim, claiming it can be used on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim without chilul Shabbos.

Rabbi Yisrael Rozen of the Zomet Institute comes out against the switch in no uncertain terms, joining the voice of prominent Gedolei Torah in the United States. Despite developers’ claims that the switch is endorsed by prominent rabbonim, he explains that his institute’s work to develop and market items that work on the ‘grama’ principle for Shabbos and Yomtov are for persons who absolutely require it, like government officials, senior security officers and physicians. Rav Rozen emphasizes that he or his colleagues would never dream of permitting the masses to use a light switch or electricity on shabbos regardless of the reports that it operates within the confines of halacha.

Rabbi Rozen adds that Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem’s Old City Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl is listed among the rabbonim approving the product. Rozen adds that in a conversation with Rav Nebenzahl on 20 Elul 5771, the rav said he never gave such an endorsement “and certainly there is no approbation for use other than for security and medical professionals’ who absolutely must.

In addition, YWN has published a kol korei signed by leading poskim stating the use of the switch is prohibited, detailing the flaws in the claims the device is permitted for use on Shabbos. Rabbonim Shlita signing the kol korei include Rabbi Yisrael Halevy Belsky, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzsky, and Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller.

Rabbi Belsky Shlita in his detailed letter against the switch adds “The material advertising the ‘switch’ is an agonizing distortion of Torah values…”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Lemaaseh, if you go to their website, there are no big accepted names in Halachic authority (in the Torah velt), that actually give an Haskomah to this “revolution” in Hilchos Shabbos. Its becoming clear that the big accepted Poskim here in America have Assured this michshol in very strong terms.

  2. I am going to be blunt. It shocks me that the creator of this device has not been put into cherem. I am not an expert in hilchos shabbos and I am not an expert in electricity.
    I do know, that if you take peoples money and say you are building something that will not cause chillul shabbos, and Rav Belsky, Rav Dovid Feinstein, and other “big name” Rabbinim say it is ossur, something is wrong.

  3. While Tzomet has made some controversial though arguably acceptable devices,
    anyone who studies their own rationales:caveat emptor

  4. This appears to be contradictory.
    How is that Zomet can allow a “gramma switch” in their Shabbos microphone which is not for a government officials, senior security officers and physicians. There is no absolute need for a shul to have a microphone, people have to just stop talking.

    “In case of a disturbance or intolerable noise, the system can be turned off using a gramma (indirect action) switch . It cannot be turned on again, since the only way to reset the system is with a special key held by a person of authority, such as the rabbi. Thus, there is no need to fear that someone will attempt to fix the system on Shabbat. ”


    This product according to some poskim is not even a gramma.

    please explain..

  5. RE #3.

    Tzomet does not say their items are for general use they are for the inform sick or handicap, and while not every rov will agree with them, they are a lot less of a danger then this grumma switch.

  6. RE #3.

    Tzomet does not say their items are for general use they are for the inform sick or handicap, and while not every rov will agree with them, they are a lot less of a danger then this grumma switch.

  7. @besalel – With all due respect, here, and in posts to other articles, you misunderstand, if not misrepresent Rabbi Belsky’s letter. Without addressing each point you have raised, I will simply say that he never says, or implies, that grama, when permitted, does not lessen the chillul Shabbos and would perhaps be preferred. What he does say is that for cholim (I presume he is referring to cholim she’yeish bo sakanah) it would be better to do the melachah in a regular way to avoid placing the choleh in a bigger sakanah. Grama devices which have the backing of Rabbonim, are more often than not for cases of sofek. Regardless, this company grossly misrepresented the Rabbonim it quotes as backing the product. The sound bites he uses add to the confusion. The use of the mother and child in the room which “needs” the light turned off, or the very distasteful attempt to lure someone into his room to turn off his light so he can go to sleep, makes it seem the developer’s intention was wide-spread use of the device for which he never received Rabbinical approval.

  8. Little people you should keep your opinion to yourself and let real poskium deal with the matter. Instead of watching your tongue during the sefira days, you are occupying your self with forbidden lashon. These forums are no less than the goyish yahoo type forum. who are you to even apply a cherem. You know nothing of the people involved and nothing About the matter. Focus on yourself not talking lashon and avak lashon har.

  9. Why should Tzomet close shop? What Tzomet does is to allow people like rescue workers to do their jobs with the minimal amount of Shabbos violation. This so-called Kosherswitch makes a mockery of halacha. Even worse, it is hypocritical because if you forget to put their switch into Sabbath mode before Shabbos it is just as bad forgetting and leaving a regular light switch on.

  10. The Shabbos friendly appliances certified by the Star-K have the same issues as the kosher switch. Reb Shlomo Miller came out with a letter that all of those appliances are ossur to use.

  11. shuali: what part of chayiv skila did i misunderstand? Tnewman, you do realize that tzomet has installed gromo microphones in dozens of “orthodox” shuls for use on shabbos, right?

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