Yeshiva Boy Struck By Vehicle In Monsey Still Critical; To Undergo Emergency Spinal Surgery At 12:00PM Thursday

mpsPlease continue to be the Mispallel for 14-year-old Alter Shimon Yecheskel ben Rochel Chana, who was struck by a vehicle in Monsey last Thursday night. As YWN had reported, he was riding his bicycle around 8:20PM on Route 59 near Monsey Glatt when he was struck by a vehicle. He suffered serious injuries and was rushed by Hatzolah of Rockland to Westchester Trauma Center, where he was listed in critical condition and placed on a respirator.

The following note was written by his parents:

Dear all, our son Alter Shimon Yecheskel is going to undergo emergency surgery on his spine, despite him still being in very critical condition with a high temperature.  We need all the Tefillos that we can get and please say as much Tehilim as possible. I want to thank everyone for your tremendous support, his surgery is scheduled today at 12:00PM.

Alter Shimon Yecheskel ben Rochel Chana – bsoch sha’ar cholei yisroel.

(YWN Monsey Newsroom)

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