Beit Shemesh: Police Try to Avoid Clashes With Anti-Zionist Extremists

Not too long before the nation observed Memorial Day, Beit Shemesh Police decided not to permit an event which officials feared would likely lead to violence. As such, police did not permit a memorial event to take place in Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet due to its proximity to the chareidi area known to be tenacious in its anti-Zionist hashkafa.

Police turned down the request because officials believed a confrontation between participants in the memorial and residents of the chareidi area was inevitable. Beit Shemesh Police Chief Brigadier-General Shloimi Toledano explained “I decided the correct thing was to turn down the request for a number of reasons, including the safety and well-being of the public, both the people and property, referring to participants in the event and others”.

The commander added that police were already quite taxed with many other Memorial and Independence Day events throughout Beit Shemesh. He added if organizers wish to resubmit the application for a different time and place he would reconsider it.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The police acted fine as it is their mandate to avoid confrontational situations, but tenacious in its anti-Zionist hashkafa are hooligans for necessitating such a decision.

  2. Anyone who wants to make such an event in Rama Beit is a provacateur, and will cause many otherwise quiet people to become “hooligans”.

    They should keep such public events in their own neighborhood.

  3. Not that I approve of a lot of the anti zionist behaviour but why on earth would an event take place in RBS Bet in which the population is 100% Haredi and largely opposed to the State? It would only be done for provocative reasons.

  4. It DID take place, with police there. And wouldn’t you know it, one sweet, religious local brought out his Palestinian Flag & waved it till he was chased away. There are pictures, I’ve seen them. It’s OK for them to demonstrate frequently in Aleph & scream abuse at our soldiers but G-d forbid we go near them. Oh, one other thing – the POLICE decided the tekes would be held there – I was told the organizers wanted it in Neimi Mall in Bet Shemesh proper.

  5. I wonder how some of these people live with themselves. when they are threatened do they not call the treifa police of the treifa medina to help them? do they not call upon the treifa Tzahal to protect them? and if a soldier dies in that effort should they not at least accord him and his fellow heroes respect?

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