An Update from the Father of the Sassoon Children

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As Monday marked the shloshim for the 7 Sassoon children who lost their lives in a fire in their Brooklyn home, the father, R’ Gavriel Sasson told Ronen Katz of Kol Berama Radio: “They ask me how I am doing. The response is submission to each and every moment. I do not know what to do. I don’t survive by my own power.

Rav Sasson added “I need bitachon in HKBH and he assists me for I cannot plan what is ahead. Anytime I need Him I give in and he is there and of this I am certain and that is how I carry on. I got up from the shiva and went to the hospital to be with my wife. I run between life and death to arrange for the matzeivos. I came for the shloshim and I have already been in Israel three times this month. I am busy and I am trying to get life in order”.

He added that the condition of his daughter, Tziporah, who was badly burned, is improving. “My daughter is Baruch Hashem progressing,” said Sassoon. “She is laughing and with Hashem’s help she will be released next week from the hospital.” He added that he did not know if his daughter would be coming home or if she would continue to recuperation at a rehabilitation facility.

His said that his wife “is still under anesthesia. Her condition is more difficult because she is older. My daughter, because of her age, is recuperating faster but every day we progress slowly. Baruch Hashem every day people are praying for them and we see the results.”

For the shloshim Rav Sassoon returned to Har Hamenuchos to daven at their graves. Several dozen men heeded his request from the radio interview in which he asked for volunteers to join him at the cemetery.

“I don’t have any family here in Israel and I am asking the public to come and join me,” Sassoon said during the interview.

Sassoon along with the other men recited Mishnayos, selections from the Zohar and portions of Tehillim that spelled out the names of the seven children. They concluded by singing a Sefardic piyut for Rosh Hashana. Sassoon then requested from those present take on a small kabala as a merit for the neshamot of his children.

The headstones of the Sassoon children have the description “pure soul” followed by their name and a memorial inscription made up of the letters of their name.

On the radio interview Rav Sassoon asked the public to daven for his wife Gila bas Francis and his daughter Tziporah bas Gila for a full recovery.


Below is a video from the shloshim:

3 Responses

  1. Women & girls can join a weekly email initiative to receive short summaries based off of Daughters of Dignity as a zechus for the 7 Sassoon Diamonds and for a refuah shlaimah for Gila Bas Francis and Tzipora Bas Gila.

    Simply email [email protected] with the words SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

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