Rabbi Yissocher Frand-Summer Tour 2015 – Amsterdam, Alsace, Strasbourg, Michelstadt & more!



Are you coming?  Sign-up for the annual Nesivos / Jewish Legacy Tours  Summer Tour – August 3-10, 2015. This year’s Jewels of Jewish Europe Tour will be sold-out like last year. Treat yourself to an unforgettable 5-star tour to Amsterdam, Alsace, Strasbourg, Michelstadt, Antwerp, Frankfurt am Main, Worms, Mainz & more!

Explore the the enchanting villages, historical Jewish communities, and the pathways of Europe’s greatest Rishonim and Achronim! Travel to famous sites, take a boat ride through Amsterdam’s canals and villages, and tour a kosher winery in the Alsatian countryside. Daven at the kevarim of the Pnei Yehoshua, R. Shimshon Rafael Hirsch, Maharam M’ Rottenburg, Baal Shem of Michelstadt, and other Torah luminaries. Spend an unforgettable Shabbos davening in the historic Spanish Portugese shul, and relax in your beautiful 5 star hotel overlooking one of Amsterdam’s most scenic canal views!

This is a unique opportunity to spend a week with Rabbi Frand and hear his brilliant and inspiring divrei Torah throughout the tour. Along the way Rabbi Nissel will captivate us as he weaves together fascinating stories, insights, and history of the Jewels of Jewish Europe.

Nesivos Jewish Legacy Tours offers a unique Kosher L’Mehadrin luxury touring experience; inspiring Torah lectures, fascinating sites, 5 star hotels, and beautiful and fresh gourmet dining!

Reserve your place today – limited space – last year’s tour was sold-out!

Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tour for more details: US: 917-724-2633 / Israel: 972-54-654-1991 / U.K. 44-203-734-1193 / email: [email protected] / www.nesivos.com


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