Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Kellerman Pleased with Light Rail Investment

jlrnJerusalem Deputy Mayor R’ Yisrael Kellerman made an official visit to the city’s light rail to meet with officials and operations officials. It was not Kellerman’s first working visit with light rail officials, using this latest opportunity to praise the new transportation system, which he feels must continue expanding to serve many other areas of the city. He was impressed with the frequency of trains during rush hour to accommodate the increase rider volume, asking officials to detail the expansion plans for the near future. Next on the light rail’s agenda is to extend the line to N’vei Yaakov, to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, to Hadassah Mt. Scopus and Givat Ram.

Kellerman thanks light rail officials for their professionalism and dedication, expressing optimism that the system will continue expanding to accommodate many more neighborhoods and riders in the capital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. to extend the line to N’vei Yaakov This is disturbing, because this would have to pass thru Arab sections, and look how much vanadalism Arab Hooligans have already inflicted upon Jerusalem Light Rail!

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