NYC Subway Ridership Grows to Highest Point in 65 Years

nyc subway.jpgNew York City subway ridership has reached its highest level in more than 65 years.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority says more than 1.7 billion people rode the subway last year. That’s a 2.6 percent increase from 2013.

Figures released Monday show that 5.6 million people rode the system on weekdays and 6 million took it on an average weekend.

The MTA says at its busiest, it carried more than 6 million customers on 29 weekdays in the last four months of 2014. That’s a level it hasn’t seen since the post-World War II era.

Subway ridership grew across every borough, but Brooklyn saw the largest increase with a 2.7 percent rise in average weekday ridership.

The MTA says it’s seeing increases in ridership in neighborhoods with booming development.


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