Parenting For all Ages with Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Shais Taub of the Ami Magazine



Wouldn’t we all love to have the “Nachas dream child” that seems so evasive?

Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Shais Taub are leading an exciting parenting course that introduces fresh optimism for your greatest lifelong responsibility: Parenting!

Unique to this course is the complete dedication to Torah values.  Both Rabbis have a deep understanding of Torah and are gifted with the ability to explain the down-to-earth daily challenges of family life and inspire living in a way that lifts up, encourages and brings positive results!

The Parenting for All Ages course will explore the often avoided stumbling blocks that limit us from parenting properly. It will also allow us to reflect honestly on the encouraging and discouraging parts of this awesome responsibility.

The entire course has an upbeat and positively guided approach. Parenting is HaShem’s idea. He put you in this position; Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Taub will help you find the confidence HaShem has in you and guide you to a better parenting reality: YOU as a better parent.

Ultimately it all boils down to our children. When we do our part really well, the kids win, and so do we!

Join us for this exciting 4 day journey, Monday through Thursday of this week.   We are offering 2 convenient times for this phone course. 1:00 – 2:15pm NY time and 9:00 – 10:15pm NY time.

The course will be recorded and available to all registrants.

Register for Parenting for all ages, led by Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Shais Taub.


For additional info, email


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