French Hill Vehicular ‘Accident’ Declared a Terror Attack

sys2Last week Israel Police and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) officials were uncertain regarding the death of Shalom Yochai Sherki HY”D, 25, who was struck by a car at a French Hill bus stop.

Israel Police and the ISA have since determined the vehicular death of Sherki, which left 20-year-old Shira bas Ada in serious condition was not a car accident but a terrorist attack.

The 37-year-old Jerusalem Arab driver of the vehicle that rammed into the bus stop was hospitalized in Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital with light injuries. He is in custody.

Speaking at a Beersheva Shabbos cultural event, Police Chief Yochanan Danino stated the vehicular crash was indeed a terrorist attack. The attack occurred on Wednesday night 26 Nissan at 23:00 at the bus stop near the large white monument in the French Hill neighborhood of the capital. Danino added a recent decision to bring an additional 1,000 policepersons to the capital has significantly reduced the number of attacks.

On Sunday morning Hadassah Hospital officials reported Shira is in serious/stable condition.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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