Worrisome Health Report Sparks Haifa Protest Against Air Pollution from Haifa Chemical Plants

haifaThe latest numbers released by the Ministry of Health statistics have residents of Haifa and the area more than a bit concerned. Statistics show the alarming number of area residents diagnosed with cancer, which is attributed to the petro chemical plants in the port city and in many cases, unsupervised and illegal disposal of toxic runoff. People diagnosed with cancers in the Haifa region is many times higher than residents of other cities in Israel.

A protest that failed to attract too many residents was held over the weekend. Protest organizers explain the small turnout is not indicative of apathy among residents, but simply they lacked sufficient time to prepare and get the word out.

Hearing of the alarming health statistics, Haifa Mayor Yonah Yahav announced on Sunday morning 1 Rosh Chodesh Iyar that he will close down plants cited for illegal levels of toxic pollutants. He ordered garbage trucks to block the access roads to the plants in question on Sunday. This includes on Kiryat Chaim plant and an ammonia company in the Gulf of Haifa, with the latter operating for years without a license.

The Health Ministry reports that “two million Israelis are ignored by the state” demanding the immediate shut down of some factories. Yahav is calling on the national government for total backing and assistance, telling reporters on Sunday “The game is over and this is going to stop”. The mayor explains he is declaring war on the chemical plants that ignore the law and place residents in a perilous situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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