Hiddush Organization Continues Pushing for Public Transportation on Shabbos in Israel

egednnThe Hiddush organization continues efforts to introduce public transportation on Shabbos in Israel. Towards achieving this goal, the organization has released a poll, reporting that poll reveals that public support (among the adult Jewish population) reached an all-time high: 74%! Likud Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz announced that he does not intend to change the ongoing prohibition against public transportation on Shabbos, and lashed out at the proponents of change, as political “leftists”.

Hiddush points out the fact that “among the supporters of public transportation on Shabbos are 72% of voters for the Likud! 74% of the Jewish public (including 70% of Likud voters) reject Katz’s charge that this is nothing but a leftist campaign, affirming the view that this issue transcends political boundaries”.

The report adds “Support for the initiative to provide public transportation, even if limited, on Shabbat and holidays has consistently risen in recent years, as gauged by Hiddush’s systematic polling of public opinion, from 58% in 2010 to 74% today (63% in 2011 & 2012; 64% in 2013; 70% in 2014), and has now reached 74%, three-quarters of the Jewish public! Of which: 52% are in favor of public transportation on a limited scale (“Main bus lines and less frequent service. Perhaps using vans”). 22% support full-scale public transportation, 16% support maintain the current “status quo”, and 10% support further eliminating even what is currently allowed”.

The survey was conducted on 24 and 25 Nissan, among 500 people / a representative sample of the adult Jewish population.

Among those who support having public transportation available on Shabbos in Israel:

· 72% of Likud voters

· 89% of Kulanu voters

· 92% of Yisrael Beitenu voters

· Nearly half of Bayit Yehudi voters (47%)

· 98% of voters for the chareidi parties are opposed

· 95% among secular Israelis

· 92% among immigrants from the former Soviet Union

· 72% among traditional Israeli Jews

· However, 100% of the chareidim and 74% of the Zionist Orthodox oppose this initiative, and 73% of the chareidim support cancelling the very few lines in operation on Shabbos today.

Hiddush adds “74% of the Jewish public assert that “the battle for public transportation on Shabbos is a broad public issue, which transcends the political boundaries between the left and right”. Among them: 70% of Likud voters, 85% of Yisrael Beitenu voters, and 79% of Kulanu voters, all parties projected to join the next coalition government. Only 26% agree with Likud transport minister Yisrael Katz’s contention that this battle is a left-wing campaign against the government. Among them are 91% of voters for the chareidi parties and 58% of Bayit Yehudi voters. Among secular Israelis, 93% believe this is a broad struggle that transcends political boundaries, as do 91% of immigrants from the FSU”.

Head of Hiddush Rabbi Uri Regev said in response, “the demand to allow public transportation on Shabbat in Israel is just, necessary and of great importance, and therefore enjoys growing majority. The gulf of difference between the public’s position and that of the politicians who claim to represent us is intolerable. The opponents of public transportation on Shabbat are not enhancing Israel’s Jewish character but, rather, are breeding hatred against Judaism itself.

This is a battle for the weakest sectors such as the poor, the elderly and our youth, a battle to protect our soldiers who die in car accidents when they come home for a weekend reprieve and go for some R&R, often involving alcohol”.

According to Regev, “The enjoyment of Shabbat for the secular and traditional public, just as for non-Jews, should allow them to not be in imprisoned at home. The continued surrender of Israel’s secular politicians to ultra-Orthodox political extortion, against the clear desire of the public, erodes respect and trust in the political process, undermines core democratic principles, alienates Israelis from Judaism and distances Israel from world Jewry”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. this is absurd!who would believe a survey by a rabid anti-religious organization that has a clear agenda in ‘proving’ the results of a survey its way.

  2. This gives you a good idea of how “religious” the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael is. It shows the zionists have been largely successful in establishing an alternative to Judaism in he-Eretz ha-Kadosh.

  3. Sad.But sadder still is how much more these numbers will rise when the latest video from beit shemesh goes airborne.

  4. The Deformed movement has destroyed more Jews than Hitler. I believe that most Israelis and Jews are “bagel and Lox ” but we need to show them how beautiful Shabbas is in order for them to recognize how bad Shabbas desecration really is. Shame on YWN for calling URI REGEV a Rabbi. Does he suddenly believe the divine origin of the Torah.

    Deri, As transport minister, you can make a difference. Step up!

  5. Do what Rav Salomon Zt”l did in Petach Tikva a generation ago:Block the streets without violence

    Make no mistake:
    The intent is not to get from point A to point B. It is clearly to promote Chillul Shabbos r’l.

    Ignore the shouts of “k’fiah datit”.

    Rav Eliyahu Lopian said

    “when they give us blows,kumpt unz. kumpt unz!

    { translation :we had it coming. we deserve it.}

    Their silent cry is :you proclaimed to be concerned about chinuch,about Tradition.

    how come you were/are so unconcerned about us?What about us?

    Where’s our sense of Achrayus?

    Does anyone doubt that shemiras shabbos in yerushalayim has impact throughout the world?

  6. Once a group of people in a frum section of Yerushalyim were protesting that their street should be closed on Shabbos because there was a religious majority living in the area.

    Rav Schach stated that the concept of majority should not be used as an argument. They must fight for the truth because of its inherent value. Otherwise, in the sections of Tel Aviv and Petach Tikva where transgressors are the majority, they will sell treifos and desecrate Shabbos openly with impunity!

    The Chief Rabbi of Denmark was asked on TV how he could support Bris if 75% of those polled in Denmark are opposed to it.

    His response:The zoo in Copenhagen recently put a giraffe to sleep even though some 75% of those polled were against.

    How come?

    When something is right and necessary and,you do what you have to do and ignore the polls.

    The TV anchors laughed in agreement

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