Importance of K’vod Shomayim

CaptureHow can one of the most paramount facets of Yiddishkeit be also one of the most neglected?  And how can one reverse this cycle, saving both themselves and Klal Yisroel from frightening tragedies?

K’vod Shomayim, roughly translated as Honor of Heaven or Honoring Hashem, is a fundamental tenet of Jewish life, but its preeminence in people’s thoughts and actions has largely waned.  Irgun K’vod Shomayim (“IKS”) is a new organization whose mission is to increase awareness of k’vod shomayim in shuls and study halls (batei k’neses and batei medrash).


HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, shlita, in a powerful speech, emphasizes, “Since the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple, the dwelling place of the Divine presence (Shechina) is in our shuls, in our study halls.”  Conversely, “If we disparage (are mezalzel in) the sanctity of shuls and study halls, we chase away the Shechina, we chase away our protection (shmira).”

Famously, the Tosfos Yom Tov sought to discover the cause behind the pogroms of 1648 and 1649 (Tach v’Tat) and was informed in a divinely-inspired dream that the reason was because of people talking in shul during prayers.  As a result, he authored a special prayer for those who refrain from talking in the synagogue that is recited in many shuls.

HaRav Sorotzkin similarly emphasizes that the root reason why the holocaust took place was a disregard of the sanctity of shuls, of honoring Hashem.  The tragedies that result from a lack of k’vod shomayim apply not only on a national level, but also a personal level.  HaRav Sorotzkin cites Rav Vozner, shlita, as saying, “Why is there such a proliferation of maladies (machala) today?  The reason is because people disparage the sanctity of shuls and people talk in davening. … If they would stop talking, the maladies would stop and all of a sudden it would leave us – if we would have the proper respect for davening.”


IKS seeks to help repair the breach in k’vod shomayim through increased education and awareness of this most important principle.  IKS is a grass-roots effort started by a few individuals who want to restore the supremacy of k’vod shomayim and make it foremost in people’s minds.  Their goal is to inspire people to improve their k’vod shomayim and refrain from behaviors that detract from it.

Some specific examples of k’vod shomayim are to arrive to shul on time for davening, not leave early, pay attention to the shaliach tzibur (chazzan), say “amein” in a loud voice, not talk during davening, and not use cell phones during davening.  IKS will utilize a series of focused campaigns, each emphasizing one of the various aspects of k’vod shomayim. Their first campaign is to encourage people to turn off their cellphones during davening.

A Kol Koreh encouraging people not to use their cellphones in shul was declared by many gedolei hador across America, which is being publicized by IKS.  IKS has also developed a series of posters designed to be hung in shuls on this topic as well as a cellphone FAQ that can be found on their website (  One can also publicly show their support for k’vod shomayim by taking a pledge to not use their cellphone during davening through either their website or hotline (1-323-577-5863).

The website contains additional resources as well, including an audio recording of HaRav Sorotzkin’s exhortation for an increased focus on k’vod shomayim.  Indeed, as HaRav Sorotzkin declares, “The whole purpose of creation is to bring forth k’vod shomayim.”




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