Weinstein And Felder Announce Expansion Of Funding For Late Day Private School Bus Service

sbusWhile local legislators, askanim and Yeshiva parents continue to bemoan the exclusion of an Educational Investment Tax Credit in this year’s budget, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein and Senator Simcha Felder are proud to announce their successful inclusion of an additional $4.5 million dollars in the State Budget to provide busing for students in Yeshivos and Parochial schools who have curriculums that require them to stay later than 4pm.

The lawmakers legislation successfully established the state funded after 4pm school bus transportation several years ago & last year they made permanent the service and the funding and, as expected, have since seen interest from more schools who wish to apply.

“After successfully mandating, in law, this late day bus service, Senator Felder and I saw many schools opt-in to the program who hadn’t during the first rounds” said Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein. “The heavy increase in interest demanded that we provide even more funding so schools and students aren’t left out. I am just so happy that thousands more parents will no longer need to make arrangements or take time out of their busy work days, so that their children can arrive home safely at night. I commend the tireless efforts of those who sacrifice their time and come to Albany to fight for our community.”

Before legislation was introduced, parents were forced to pay out-of-pocket for after-school bus service or had to make other arrangements to ensure their children returned home from school safely. Now, all students who are eligible will receive corner-to-corner pick-up and drop-off bus service, thereby maximizing student safety.

“I am happy to have been a part of this successful program,” said Senator Felder, who chairs the New York City Education Subcommittee. “Parents have found that the after-school busing program gives them peace of mind knowing that their children are being safely brought home from their schools. The increase in funding will help more students receive this invaluable service. I am happy to have worked with Assemblywoman Weinstein, and I am thankful for her continued efforts to ensure that more parents will be able to benefit from this invaluable service.”

The $4.5 million increase brings the total state allocation for the program to $12.6 million and constitutes a 50% increase in funding over last year. The hope is that many more schools will opt-in and begin offering their students a safe and economical mode of transport.

“Parents struggling with numerous financial and logistical obligations are grateful for the enhanced bus services now being provided,” said Chaskel Bennett, a member of the Agudath Israel of America Board of Directors. “It speaks to the skill, talent and understanding of Senator Felder and Assembly Member Weinstein and their legislative colleagues for focusing on ways to ease the burden on hard working private school parents just a bit more. We are fortunate to have such dedicated legislators working on our behalf in Albany. The fight for equity and fairness continues.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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