Abbas Playing Hardball – Rejects Israeli Collected Tax Revenue

abasDisplaying unprecedented chutzpah, PA (Palestinian Authority) leader Abu Mazen has instructed his government to reject the tax revenue funds paid to the PA by Israel.

Abu Mazen first appealed to the international community claiming without the tax revenue collected by Israel the PA would choke fiscally, explaining the government could not pay its employees. He threatened to file suit against Israel in the International Court of Justice and take whatever steps possible to increase international pressure against Israel.

Israel froze the tax funds several times in recent months in response to PA unilateral moves, including threats to bring Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to release the funds after freezing them for months, but not before deducting the enormous amount due to Israeli utility companies including the Israel Electric Company.

Israel was to hand over 1.5 billion shekels, but deducted one-third to pay the PA debt to Israel for electricity to Gaza and other areas as well as water and the costs of medical care for PA residents treated in Israeli hospitals. Abu Mazen, who continues to bleed the international donor community without giving any accounting of spending, has ordered to send back the funds since Israel dared to deduct money owed. Abu Mazen once again threatens to head to The Hague against Israel unless the deducted funds are not transferred.

The White House was displeased with Israel’s move as well, calling on both Israel and the PA to refrain from unilateral actions that exacerbate the conflict.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. no payment to the PA till they pay up their bills-why should the Israeli taxpayer pay for them to FREELY and often wastefully use our electricity,water and health services when many Israelis can barely pay their own bills!

  2. The Israelis should give one final chance to the PA, accept what’s due or be forfeit the whole lot. Arab terrorists have caused billions of shekels damage in Israel, so the money could be used against that.

  3. Quote” The White House was displeased with Israel’s move as well”

    Seriously now?!! What would the US do if they were in such a situation with Mexico? Would they not deduct the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS owed to it’s electric company??? This is nothing new, the PA hasn’t been paying it’s debts to Israel for YEARS. Maybe Obama wants to flip the bill for his Pally buddies?

  4. This character Mazen, a/k/a idiot has some nerve. Does he think that Israel is one of the countries he can milk dry for donations?
    In Israel we pay for the utilities we use. If he doesn’t want to count the West Bank and Gaza as part of Israel he and his flunkies should stop asking for the service and create their own. He is lucky that the Israeli utilities haven’t cut him off for non-payment. Israel is not, and will not be a charity for terrorists.
    As for that other idiot Obummer, who is displeased with with Bibi and the decision made, go crawl back into your hole and mind your own business. You still haven’t figured out how to pay America’s debts after 6 years. Maybe you need some help with suggestions, like:
    1) Stop funding terrorist countries.
    2) Send the illegals back where they came from and use the money for real Americans whether they were born in America or not.
    3) Stop spending billions on space travel. We aren’t going anywhere. We can’t afford it.
    4) Stop your bi-weekly multi-million dollar vacation trips. Stay home. Play golf in the White House backyard.
    5) Pay the gift or salary tax on the money we American people now pay for all of your vacations. It’s part of your package so pay the tax.
    6) Tell your wife to fire half the people she hired in the White House just to do her bidding. Not needed.
    7) Keep your feet off the desk in the oval office. That’s my furniture you are destroying.
    8) Pull out of the U.N. and tell them to go pound sand somewhere else. New York can use the building after converting it to house the homeless. It will go to better use.
    9) If I missed anything, please, someone add to it. I am sure there is more.
    I said my peace.

  5. If the utility is a government agency, Israel might have a legal claim. If the utility is private, they should seek a lien from an Israeli court.

    Politically, the Israelis should try to keep the Palestinians dependent. Keeping control over Palestinian tax revenues and control over their electric supply keeps them dependent.

  6. I believe many of us figured that Obama, who seeks to trick the Jewish community into believing he cares about Israel, was behind this. I have yet to hear a single thing that speaks to Obama’s commitment to protect Israel and to uphold the multifaceted alliance between United States and Israel. Obama is a pathological liar, thus his statements are not to be believed. But his behavior towards Israel has been that of an enemy, from day one. May we all be zocheh to watch his downfall.

  7. then next time the Pal’s cry remind them that Abbas refused the money. if you do not want the money then Israel can keep it and put it towards the monies owed IEC and others.

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