Hillary Clinton Dodges Brooklyn Campaign Headquarters Talk

hilHillary Rodham Clinton is playfully dodging talk about where her Democratic presidential campaign headquarters might be.

Clinton on Wednesday attended a roundtable on early child development in Brooklyn with New York City’s first lady, Chirlane McCray.

Afterward, she was asked if she would be returning to Brooklyn to establish a base for her expected campaign.

She smiled and said that decision would come “all in good time.”

The former secretary of state, first lady and New York senator is expected to announce her bid for the Democratic nomination in coming weeks.

She is thought to be considering office space in downtown Brooklyn for a campaign headquarters.

Clinton has close ties with McCray and her husband, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. He managed Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign.


3 Responses

  1. Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Huma Abedin,convinced Hillary to push for the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt.
    By coincidence, Huma’s mother was the most powerful woman in the Muslim Brotherhood!
    Boruch Hashem, that Brotherhood leader was righteously replaced by Mr. al-Sisi.
    Mrs. Clinton has a lot to answer for, not just the Bengazi, Libya terrorist attack, that murdered our ambassador and three other Americans.

  2. I am so excited that Hillary Clinton is running for president. with that same excitement my hope is for her to lose big time!

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