Council Pindrus Arranges for Special Water Consideration in Yerushalayim

pindrus.jpgJerusalem Councilman Yitzchak Pindrus has worked with the Hagihon Water Company to provide water viewed as less problematic during Pesach. While the water for the captain comes from the national carrier year-round, during Pesach, the water supply will be rerouted to underground wells where there is less of a chance of chametz being found in the water supply. It is known the nation carrier contains chametz.

Hagihon District Manager Mr. Danny Sofer confirms the arrangement for Pesach in a letter to Pindrus, citing water to the capital will be rerouted beginning on Wednesday, 12 Nissan. This will continue until the morning of Sunday, 23 Nissan. This means water to Jerusalem residents will be from the wells or treated water.

Pindrus thanks Sofer for his cooperation, along with the other water company officials involved in providing ‘mehadrin’ water to residents of the capital on Pesach.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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