Disappointed At EITC’S Exclusion From Budget, Hikind Vows To Fight On

hikAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) expressed his dismay at the exclusion of the Education Investment Tax Credits Act (EITC) from Albany’s budget.

“My colleagues and I—along with many others—struggled for a long time to make the case for these tax credits,” he said. “I am utterly disappointed that something as basic as helping all children didn’t receive the full support it had been promised.

“The problem is twofold. While Education Investment Tax Credits benefit public school children as well as children in private and parochial schools, the teachers’ unions stood against EITC. When they preach dedication to education for all children, they don’t mean our children. These unions continue to have tremendous influence in the Assembly.

“In addition, EITC was not included in the budget because Governor Cuomo refused to lead on this issue. The Governor told me he supported these tax credits, that he considered them ‘justice’ and I carried his message to my constituents. But in end, EITC was removed from the list of priorities.

“But this fight isn’t over. As a matter of principle, I am voting against the entire State budget, as promised. We’ve lost this battle for EITC but this issue isn’t going away. Along with all of my colleagues who support EITC, I will continue fighting until all children, regardless of where they attend school, benefit from our State’s commitment to education.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. We deserve this disappointment, as we should never have voted for Cuomo based on his promising financial support.

    It is known in the name of R’ Avigdor Miller Zt”l to never to vote for a candidate who supports immorality, and it became law in NY state under Cuomo’s watch and with his full backing.

  2. Till our people and our congressman and our assemblyman and our schools will threaten them that the will show up to the school system with 40 thousand kids they won’t do nothing

  3. Astorino sounds pretty good now, doesnt he? Shame on all those listening to the askanim telling them who to vote for?

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