The Rebbe of Lubavitch or The Lubavitcher Rebbe?


Rabbi Manis Friedman will lead a free tele-conference Farbrengen in honor of Yud Alef Nisson, celebrating 113 years since the birth of the Rebbe.


In this unique and inspirational farbrengen, Rabbi Friedman will address the following questions:


  • Just how universal is the Rebbe’s message? 
  • Are Tzaddikim ever truly appreciated by the Yidden of their generation?
  • Have you noticed how everything the Rebbe taught us becomes more relevant with each passing year?
  • What is it that the “experts” don’t “get” about Chabad?


Join Rabbi Friedman and Yidden from around the globe for a joint opportunity to express gratitude to HaShem for blessing us with the Rebbe, and learn what each of us can do to carry the Rebbe’s legacy forward.

The call will be held on Monday, 10 Nisson/March 30 @ 1:00-1:45pm NY time

Click here to register for the call and receive the conference call number and meeting ID.
If the timing does not work for you, you can register for the call and receive the recording.

Please share with a friend who would appreciate this superb Yud Alef Nisson inspiration!

This call has been graciously sponsored by Hamafitz Judaica. Visit the Hamafitz store or shop Hamafitz Judaica online for all your Pesach and Judaica needs.

Take some time to gain a deeper consideration for the importance of celebrating the Yom Huledes of a Tzaddik.

Click here register for the call.
For more information, email [email protected].

12 Responses

  1. Maybe he should discuss what Lubavitchers don’t “get” about their Rebbe being no longer alive and obviously not the Moshiach. And while he’s at it he can also discuss that his Rebbe was not universally accepted by gantz klal yisroel as their leader and stop falsifying to the world as if he was.

  2. I’m not sure what the title of the article has to do with the article itself or what is meant by the title itself. Furthermore, I’m not sure why this info is any bit more news worthy than any other gatherings by other Rebbes and/or mosdos that are never mentioned. Was this a paid advertisement?

    We must commend Lubavitch on the positive works they do, but in the same breath we must not exaggerate their role in klal Yisrael.

    The Rebbe was recognized as a Gadol by all “experts” (a.k.a. Gadolim), but contrary to Lubavitchers’ desires, he was never proclaimed “Gadol HaDor” outside of Lubavitch. To us, this does not detract from his greatness being that it is no different than an other Gedolim whom are regarded in the highest esteem regardless of not having been the “Gadol HaDor”.

    Unfortunately, however, when you adopt a belief that the Rebbe HAS to be Moshiach (an No other) then not receiving a title of “Gadol HaDor” is a slight to his Kovod. As a result, it becomes religious dogma to “convince” the rest of Klal Yisrael of our “mistake”.

    Regretfully, they have wasted the last 20 years on this effort without bearing fruit. On the contrary, when others see them going around with kippas, signs, buttons, etc. trying to convince everyone to believe the Rebbe is still Moshiach, in my opinion, most look at them with pity realizing that deep deep down in the hearts of every Lubavitcher there is a whisper of doubt that they are trying to silence.

    It would certainly be beneficial for them to except that the Rebbe may not be Moshiach regardless of him certainly having been worthy of it in his life time. However, for them to except such a believe would require becoming like Baaleh Teshuvot whom often struggle in the beginning to throw off their original believes (such as evolution) in order to accept the Torah. This does not come easily.

    Instead of speaking on the “four questions” that Rabbi Friedman brings up he’d be doing Klal Yisrael a big favor if he’d speak on the answer “Avadim Hayinu…”. “In the beginning we were slaves…(to one concept – that ONLY the Rebbe is Moshiach!…Now we are Free men… to accept that ONLY Hashem will decide who is Moshiach!… Just as Hashem ALONE chose Moshe as the Redeemer, and Hashem ALONE chose Aharon as Kohen Gadol, and Hashem ALONE chose Shaul as Melech, and Hashem ALONE chose Dovid as Melech, so too Hashem ALONE will chose who will be Moshiach!”

    May we be worthy of greeting Moshiach soon in our days!

  3. #1 stated “Rebbe was not universally accepted by gantz klal yisroel” rather say almost “gantz klal yisroel” rejected him as their leader.

  4. Thank you #1 for pointing this out. It’s a pity you chose the name you did, as what you wrote is not leitzonus but the undiluted truth. I’m sick of the way the Lubavitchers worm their way with their nonsense into all publications, incl. YWN and the Ami, just to mention two chashuva sources of information.

  5. to post # 1
    yr screen name says it all
    latzoniy the opposite of real
    a) you have no knowledge in the field of moshiac or neshomas or
    halacha .

  6. Funny how everyone is bashing this teleconference without even bothering to listen to what the man has to say.

    Why not take the 45 minutes and hear him out and then you can post all your brilliant criticisms…

  7. To #1 and mainly #4 and #6
    i just guess
    Rav Moshe Feinstien
    Rav Shloma Zalman Aurbach
    The Minchas Yitzchak
    Rav Nachum Partzovitz
    are not part of your “Gantz Klal Yisroel”…………..

  8. “The Rebbe was recognized as a Gadol by all “experts” (a.k.a. Gadolim)”
    Each supposed approbation must be examined closely. I know they are desperate for haskomos. And it is sad to see these adults walking around with puff-painted yarmulkes. They are, after all, ….desperate.

  9. #10 kvetcher – Although HaRav Shach, z”l and others were against the Rebbe that does not mean that they did not hold he was a Gadol. You are making assumptions. I, on the other hand, spoke to Gedolim at the time that Rav Shach came out against the Rebbe and as one of them said to me, “Machlokes Gedolim! Don’t get involved!”.

    BTW – Just to point out, I am not Lubavitch, nor do I agree with many of their hashkafas, but a person has to be an Ish Emes and recognize the good in others; even those that they oppose.

  10. To all those who commented about my choice of name there is only one kind of Laytzanus that is muter making my name highly appropriate for this particular comment (hamaivin yavin)

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