Photo Essay: Groundbreaking of A New Holocaust Education Center in Boro Park (Photos By JDN)

14 Responses

  1. Why are the SAME people at EVERY event, one might as well just photoshop pics with same people. I mean every picture.

  2. We must start showing HKB”H that we are the opposite of our tormentors. We absolutely disdain and detest such a notion that one group of human beings gets created more superior than another group.

    In this Zchus we can hope that HKB”H should, Never-Again, bring on any Holocausts or Pogroms against us.

  3. Yira: Off your high horse. We are the Am Hamivchar, the Chosen People. In our tefilos we specifically daven for our brothers and sisters and not others. Take up your complaints with Hashem and Chazal.

  4. To #5
    The same philosophy as the 3rd Reich, just a mirror image from the opposite side of the fence?
    The Germans truly believed that they were special in the eyes of God, a Ubber-Folk.
    BTW, it’s Am Hanivchar, a ‘n’.

  5. To #4 Yira: you are espousing the hashkafa of the maskilim /reformers that started the mass deterioration of our people 200 years ago. Sorry to break it to you, but the entire Torah states repeatedly how Hashem chose Klal Yisroel as His Close Nation (“am kerovo”). Those particular words are said every morning during Shacharis. Do you pay any attention to what you say? This concept is repeated literally hundreds of times throughout the Tanach.
    This is NOT the same philosophy as the 3rd Reich. Because our chosenness does NOT give us license to enslave, humiliate, or murder anyone who is not part of our nation. On the contrary, we are enjoined to treat them sensibly, with due respect and decorum. Our choseness is a spiritual one — we are supposed to be a “light to the nations,” a nation of righteous philosopher/priests whose lives reflect the special sanctity of those who are aware of Hashem in every aspect of their daily lives. Le’havdil, the Nazi ideology most explicitly stated that they considered themselves barbarians — they certainly did NOT believe “that they were special in the eyes of God.” They fought ferociously against any concept of a “Higher Power” altogether. Hilter wrote in Mein Kampf that one of the “terrible ideas” that the Jews unleashed or “infected” the world with, is “conscience” (!) And that he and his movement would set out to eliminate “conscience” from the world in part, by putting the Jews in their proper place….
    Any attempt to equate Hashem’s choosing Klal Yisroel with le’havdil the sinister and horrifying Nazi philosophy is not only obscene but patenly a gross distortion of the truth.
    I stronly recommend reading the recently published book “A Divine Madness” by Rav A. Miller zt”l that explains this subject in great detail and with great clarity.
    One final remark about the new Holocaust Education Center in BP. We should not be reminding the nations of the world what happened in the Holocaust. The obligation of “Zochor” in this regard is solely inward, toward ourselves. Our people must not forget, but we should not keep on reminding the nations of the world what some of them perpetrated, and many of them acquiesced to or ignored.

  6. “…. our chosenness does NOT give us license to enslave, humiliate, or murder anyone who is not part of our nation….”
    Right so we should do for them: Hashovas Aveido, or To’os Akum, or Shor Sh’hezik Nechsof, and for sure L’hachzir Halvo’osoi or Pikdoinoi. All this even in a case where there will not be a Kiddush Hashem, and no Eivo, just for the sake of our fellow human being. Ah?

  7. To 9
    We should treat them with due respect. We should totally abolish phrases like ‘Shegetz’, Shiktza’, or ‘Oif allah nit-yidden Gezogt’, or ‘peiger’, etc etc.
    We must be Mecahnech our Bochrum. Unfortunately, still a long way to go.
    Hashem Yerachem.

  8. Ader: please look @ the ra’avid in hilchos avos hatuma perek beis halacha yud. Over there he calls them animals. So with all due respect please stop being so frum.

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