The Naiveté of a Rookie MK

bBetzalel Smotrich is new to Bayit Yehudi. He was in the eighth slot on the party list and the last one to get is in Bayit Yehudi failed to earn the number of seats party leaders hoped for. Smotrich will become an MK in the 20th Knesset after taking the oath of office. Prior to being elected to Knesset, Smotrich was the director of the Regavim organization, and he is therefore quite familiar with the legalities surrounding ongoing efforts to remove illegal outposts situated in Yehuda and Shomron.

Not wasting any time, the rookie soon-to-be MK spoke Galei Yisrael Radio about two recent Supreme Court rulings that compel the removal of Amona in its entirety and nine homes from Yishuv Ofra.

Smotrich stated legislators are expected to pass a law that will retroactively legalize both places, Amona and the nine houses built in an extension to Yishuv Ofra. There is an 18-month deadline by which the areas will have to have been razed in line with the ruling.

Smotrich told Galei Yisrael that in his mind, these two communities represent the red line and if they are removed, he does not see Bayit Yehudi remaining in the coalition, which in actuality would result in heading to elections once again in 18 months.

As any veteran MK knows, in Israel, perhaps more so than in other countries, 18 months is a lifetime and to speak about breaking from the coalition that has yet to be built is more than a bit premature. Undoubtedly Smotrich will have a bit of experience under his belt by the expiration of the 18-month deadline, and one can only imagine what events will be occupying Bayit Yehudi leaders at that time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Bayit Yehudi is very replaceable. If it broadened its base to include those who wasted their votes on Yachad (religious zionists too frum for Bayit Yehudi, hareidim too zionist for the hareidi parties) it would be in a better position. Remember last Kenesset, Bayit Yehudi was more concerned about fighting the hareidim than protecting the settlements, and the settlements that were/are built on private land that was confiscated get Israel into lots of trouble internationally.

  2. Who keeps writing these repetitive ,hateful pieces attacking Bayit Yehudi. Someone really has an axe to grind. This blatant hatred of other Jews is what caused the Temple to be destroyed, maybe reflect on that.

    As much as you want to mock Bayit Yehudi they earned more seats than either Shas or UTJ and i’m sure the tens of thousands of chareidim living in betar illit and modin illit would not like their homes to be given away.

  3. i’m with MDG on this one, and I would add that it would behoove YWN to leave their commentary to op-ed pieces, or risk alienating readers who tend not to see eye-to-eye with the editorial board on every topic.

  4. #2 and #3
    chill out! This guy is in a political position and as politics goes; noone must agree. It’s a persons choice. This is clearly an opinion piece and there wasn”t this blatant hatred expressed here. You guys are too bayit yehudi; you’re taking it too personal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s only politics. Hashem will run his world as he wills anyhow.

  5. My only question is why was this rookie placed above more veteran MKs on the list.? Even more so, since BY is not supervised directly by rabbis like UTJ and Shas, why do they not have democratic primaries to choose the list?
    My main problem with BY is that clings to Western outlooks when it is convenient to do so and practices in less Western modes on other issues.

  6. ” This guy is in a political position and as politics goes; noone must agree.”

    I was not commenting on politics, nor do I care about it. I was addressing the negative language.

    “This is clearly an opinion piece and there wasn”t this blatant hatred expressed here.”

    Yes, there was. Lashon Hara is hatred.

    “you’re taking it too personal!!!”

    Yes, I try to look at every Jewish person as my brother or sister. I still have a ways to go, but I keep trying. As such, hateful remarks irk me horribly.

    I contend that if you don’t try to see every Jewish person as your sibling, then you are lacking in Ahavat Yisrael.

  7. I have observed this Tzadik from a distance and could only hope to have half the midos tov that he has. He has the guts to make things happen! I’m not BY – didn’t vote for them, just saying on a personal level this guy is top notch!

  8. tirtza: First, BY does have Rabbinic leadership that they consult. Second, they do have primaries, so the people do choose their list.

    People often like fresh faces but you have to choose them with seichel, i.e. Obama, who people supported without seichel.

    I don’t know anything about this particular new MK, but it’s not so unusual for newbee’s to put their foot in their mouths. Hopefully, he’ll learn.

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