Hikind To Speaker Heastie: Let us Vote On Education Investment Tax Credits!

hikAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) isn’t giving up the fight for Education Investment Tax Credits (EITC). He says that support is strong, but what’s needed is a push from Albany’s leadership. Hikind, a powerful voice for the tax credits, is calling on Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to bring EITC to a vote in the Assembly, and on Governor Andrew Cuomo to keep his word and deliver the tax credits once and for all.

“In the Assembly, we have close to 80 sponsors for the Education Investment Tax Credits bill,” said Hikind. “I’ve been making the rounds and I have heard many more colleagues say they will support the bill if it’s brought to a vote. So I am asking the Assembly’s Speaker to allow this process to move forward.”

Hikind was also adamant regarding the necessity for the Governor to lead on EITC.

“The Governor told me publicly and promised our community that he understood how vital Education Investment Tax Credits are to our community and to the millions of New Yorkers who would benefit from them,” said Hikind. “Governor Cuomo came to our community and stood in front of us—stood in front of me personally—and called Education Investment Tax Credits ‘justice.’ He sat with me personally last week and indicated that he understood how essential this legislation is to parents of children in private and parochial schools. He made it clear that he understood how a significant section of New York’s population is unfairly excluded from our State’s education equation; how New York State owes these parents some relief.

“Removing EITC from the budget before the April 1st deadline is equivalent to saying that it’s not that important. That’s disingenuous, unfair, and unacceptable. There was no talk about connecting Education Investment Tax Credits to the DREAM Act or to anything else. He’s the Governor. If he commits and shows leadership, this will get done.”

Tomorrow, Agudath Israel of America is sending a delegation to meet with elected officials and lobby for these important Education Investment Tax Credits. The group will be led by Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, VP for Community Services, and Board Member Chaskel Bennett.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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