Monsey Supermarkets Team Up with Kupath Ezrah to Make Pesach Possible for Nearly 1,000 Families

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In partnership with local Monsey supermarkets, Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County is providing nearly 1,000 families with the means to shop for Pesach. Preparing for Pesach is one of the most stressful times of the year for many families as they struggle to make ends meet and cannot imagine how they will afford their high grocery bills. Standing in line at the supermarket with a shopping cart full of food, they are told they cannot shop until they pay off their growing balance of credit. These families are left with no options and no food for Pesach. Kupath Ezrah works with the supermarkets to pay off a large portion of their debt and providing them with additional credit in order to shop for Pesach.


Requests for emergency Yom Tov and monthly assistance are pouring in toKupath Ezrah’s office on a daily basis and as Yom Tov approaches, the number of people requiring our assistance keeps growing. With your help, we can help even more families avoid embarrassment at the checkout line and enjoy their Yom Tov.

Donate Now! (please link below)


Mail a check to

PO Box 3

Monsey, NY 10952

PLEASE NOTE IN MEMO: Pesach Grocery Fund

Kupath Ezrah is also selling delicious Canadian Wheat shmurah matzos in Monsey. All proceeds benefit Kupath Ezrah. To order matzos please call 1-888-MITZVOS. The latest deadline to order is Motzaei Shabbos.

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