Member of New Bloomingburg Satmar Community Leading By 2 In Election For Village Trustee


Aaron Rabiner currently leads the vote for Village Trustee in Bloomingburg, NY (Sullivan County). The latest numbers are 75 to 73. There are 23 affidavit votes that will also need to be counted as well as an additional 18 absentee ballots. Aaron is confident that many of those votes will be in his favor but since the vote will not be certified until Wednesday March 25th he will not be declaring victory.

In a statement given to YWN, Aaron said ” I thank everyone who came out to vote yesterday and hope that the village can come together and end this period of divisiveness. Change in any community is difficult but we are all Americans and want the same for our neighbors and families”.

Aaron Rabiner moved to Bloomingburg in January of 2014. He is originally from Minneapolis Minnesota.

(Fred Silverstein – YWN)

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