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Police Investigation into PM’s Residence to be Launched This Week

bibnThe election success euphoria may be short-lived for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife as the Israel Police 433 unit will on Thursday, 28 Adar launch an investigation into alleged improprieties in the Prime Minister’s Residence. According to a Walla News report, the investigation will be getting underway to determine if there was inappropriate spending in the operation of the PM’s Residence.

A recent state comptroller’s report cited irregularities and excessive spending in the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Investigators are expected to begin questioning potential witnesses next week to determine if allegations of law-breaking are justified. Among those to be questioned is the deputy director of assets & human resources Ezra Seidoff and former manager Mani Naftali. Seidoff is alleged to have issued forged receipts along with other illegal activities.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. If Netanyahu has learned anything, after the dust has settled, he will fire police chief Danino and attorney general Weinstein and investigate a few judges. One of the reasons that the democratic sytem exists is for civilian control over the police. Juries exist as a check against misuse of the criminal justice system. These guys are not humble servants of the law, people, and heaven. On the contrary they have arbitrary power and have seriously abused it, in addition to being generally incompetent. I do not believe that the legal actions against Marzel and Netanyahu have to do with law.

  2. Poor Netanyahu , yes it is time for the people of your beloved land to see how stupid the police can act in such a matter just to prove that there is equal rights in Israel! Keep strong

  3. Guarantee some of the $5,000,000 from America government is behind this investigation and is paying off the polic.
    obama is a nutter and will do anything to destroy Bibi

  4. ספר משלי פרק טז
    יח) לִפְנֵי שֶׁבֶר גָּאוֹן וְלִפְנֵי כִשָּׁלוֹן גֹּבַהּ רוּחַ:

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