Monsey: Group Of Five Tries Breaking Into Multiple Homes; Police And Chaverim Tell Resident To Make Sure Homes Are Secured

rpdA group of people were seen trying to break into multiple homes in the area between Monsey and Spring Valley on Friday night, and residents are being urged to protect their homes.

Chaverim of Rockland County tell YWN that at around 1:30AM Friday night (Shabbos morning), a resident in the Stephen and Decatur area was in his dining room when he suddenly heard someone trying his front doorknob. Startled, he ran to his front door and peeked out, and found five black men walking away from his home. But instead of leaving the area, the man watched as the group began trying all the doorknobs on neighboring homes – clearly trying to find a home that wasn’t locked.

He then saw another neighbor come outside and confirmed to him they someone had just tried his doorknob as well.

The two residents ran after the five men and yelled at them – and watched them flee the area on foot.

On Motzei Shabbos, the residents contacted Chaverim of Rockland and the Ramapo Police Department, and made police reports of the incidents.

Ramapo PD and Chaverim are reminding residents to make sure that all doors are properly locked on your homes as well as your cars. One home in fact had some items taken including a bike that wasn’t locked.

Ramapo PD says that they will step up patrols in the neighborhood on Friday nights.

(Chaim Shaprio – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. I think they should have called the police on shabbos. S’fek pekuach nefesh mechlal es haShabbos. Even with a possibility of a death you should be mechallel shabbos.

    Five Blacks if they break into a house and the baal habayit wakes up might just get himself killed! That is too dangerous to not call the police on shabbos!

  2. YYE:

    One must know the halachas of shabbos and garlic is correct that on a sufik of pekuach nefesh one must be mechalel shabbes.

    Don’t over do the religiousity when your neighbor may be killed. call the police!

    Just like the idiots who refused to call the police when frum men were molesting children: you don’t mess around.

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