Schumer: Ban Green Laser Pointers Tied To Airport Incidents

laserU.S. Sen. Charles Schumer is calling for a federal ban on the sale of high-powered green laser pointers that have been used to injure and disorient airplane pilots around the country.

The New York Democrat said Sunday that he wants federal regulators to stop the sale of the devices, which were linked to 17 incidents at JFK airport and another 37 at LaGuardia last year. A man was arrested last week for allegedly pointing a laser at two aircraft at LaGuardia.

The green laser pointers are apparently preferred by pranksters because the green light travels farther. They also are more likely to injure a pilot’s eyes.

Schumer says the laser pointers can jeopardize an entire plane if they disorient a pilot during a take-off or landing.


One Response

  1. And had they been red, you would have said red. Why not just shut your trap! Just because you have access to cameras and a mic on Sunday, doesn’t mean you have to flap your gums.

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