Hagon HaRav Wosner Shlita in Need of Tefilos

wosOfficials at Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak on erev Shabbos reported the condition of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita, the Baal Shevet Halevy, took a considerable turn for the worse.

Earlier in the week improvement was reported the gadol hador’s condition but on erev Shabbos he was reconnected to mechanical assisted ventilation.

Rav Wosner was admitted to the hospital on motzei Purim and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Tefilos were ongoing in many shuls over Shabbos and in Kiryas Belz, the Rebbe Shlita instructed the gabbai to make a mi’sheberach for the gadol’s refuah shleima.

The tzibur is requested to be mispallel for Shmuel ben Rochel bsoch sha’ar cholei yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. May this great tzaddik, son of a special lady who listened to her Rebbe and was rewarded, have a complete REFUAH!

  2. “….. The tzibur is requested to be mispallel for Shmuel ben Rochel bsoch sha’ar cholei yisrael …. ”

    We must start teaching our children and Bochurom, that every decent Human Being, adults and children, Yiddishe and Non-Yiddishe, are precious in the eyes of the Creator, Hashem Yisborach.

    Our children must see, that we worry about the well-being of every decent and we make an effort, not to exclude any person, from our Teffilohs. Especially when we Daven for Refuah Shleimo, we must never exclude Non-Yidden who are R”L not well.

    That will strengthen our empathy and concern for all Human Beings, including Non-Yiden. That will be M’oirer Rachmei Shomayim.

    HKB”H will, Never-Again, instigate any Hatred or Pogroms or Holocausts against us.

  3. @Yira – How do you close the 8th berachah in “shmoneh esrei”? Do you, like all Yidden since the 120 member Anshei Kineses HaGedolah, among them Nevi’im, authored the tefilah, close by saying “rofei cholei amo Yisroel”?

  4. To 4 & 5

    But, how else can we install into our children’s mindset, the sincere caring and empathy for all decent human beings ?

    We can see from all the messages from HKB”H (the once-again rise in anti-Semitism), that, this is what is lacking in our Hashkofo, the true caring for all his creations, B’Tzelem Elokim.

  5. @Yira – I would suggest you ask a Rav that very valid question. I would, however, like to make two points. 1) I know of many great, and knowledgeable leaders who refrain, stay far away, from interpreting HaShem’s messages, pinpointing them to be telling us it is this aveira or that hanhagah which has brought this or the other reaction from Above. Therefore it is presumptuous at best to suggest the rise in anti-semitism is due to a lack of honor towards non-Jews. 2) There IS a difference between “our” tzelem and “their” tzelem. Ours fills our guf and we are therefore full of mitzvos (248 and 365), whereas their tzelem is an empty shell. Therefore they only have 7 mitzvos. Their tzelem has a right arm (strength) and legs upon which their upright stance is supported, but it remains empty. Ours is not. It is not only a physical tzelem, but a spiritual one as well.

  6. Yira: Please stop coming here to reform our Torah. This is not the first time you’ve come out against our normative Tefilos and demanded we make changes.

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