Rabbi’s Car Vandalized With Swastika Following Lawsuit From City Of Dallas

sYesterday evening, Rabbi Yaakov Rich found his car defaced with a sinister, spray-painted swastika. Rabbi Rich is the Rabbi of Congregation Toras Chaim, an Frum Shul that Davens in a Dallas home. The act of vandalism comes just days after the City of Dallas filed a lawsuit that could potentially shut down the congregation’s rights to worship.

Rabbi Yaakov Rich, the leader of Congregation Toras Chaim said, “I feel completely violated. As a Jew, the swastika is the most offensive symbol that there is. They didn’t just attack me, they attacked every Jew in the City of Dallas. I am very grateful, however, that the members of Congregation Toras Chaim are banding together to ensure that there is no disruption in our activities.”

“We are horrified to hear of this act of hatred against Rabbi Rich, his family, and Congregation Toras Chaim,” said Justin Butterfield, Liberty Institute Senior Counsel. “Acts of violence against religious beliefs are being perpetrated around the world. But these acts should never be tolerated in America, which was founded on the principle of religious liberty for all. Liberty Institute is committed to standing by Rabbi Rich, his family, and Congregation Toras Chaim until their religious freedom rights are secured and justice is done.”

The Jewish community, known as Congregation Toras Chaim, has met in private homes for worship for several years. They recently won a legal victory against the former president of a Dallas Homeowner’s Association (HOA) and the HOA. As Liberty Institute argued in court and the judge agreed, Texas and federal laws protect the group’s right to private worship, study and prayer. However, just weeks after the families won in the HOA case, the City of Dallas announced they were dragging the Congregation back into court. Liberty Institute continues to represent the Jewish families in this fight for the congregation’s survival in the City of Dallas.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. The neighbors are not fighting to “prevent worship”.
    They are arguing against turning a residential area into the type of area that they (and we) all know surrounds these “home-shuls”.
    Dallas is not Monsey; and they don’t want it to get that way.

  2. I daven at Rabbi Rich’s Shul where this happened. This is such a heartbreak. First a neighbor sued the shul, saying his home price has declined. Then the homeowners association sued. Both were defeated. Now the city is suing us, and now this. Our response? Increase our learning. Cry out to Hashem. And arm ourselves to the teeth.

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