HaRav Shmuel Auerbach: Voting Gimmel is a Vote Assisting One to Perform an Avreira


HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita may have been invited to the massive Degel Hatorah kenos in Bnei Brak which drew a staggering crowd of 100,000 people, but he has not changed his opinion and it does not appear that the Yerushalmi faction will be instructing followers to vote Gimmel.

The kenos is big news in the chareidi community, with reports stating 100,000 people were in attendance along with Gedolei Hador Shlita including Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita. The gedolim of course instructed the tzibur to vote Gimmel, Yahadut Hatorah, in next week’s elections for 20th Knesset.

Rav Auerbach still believes Degel is abandoning the correct path and while the door to cooperation has not been closed and locked, with days remaining to the elections it is difficult to know what the Yerushalmi branch will do. At present it appears that a boycott of the elections is the likely scenario. HaPeles, the newspaper affiliated with the Yerushalmi branch quotes Rav Auerbach saying that if one supports those who are implementing these unacceptable changes, he has a hand in one performing an aveira.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. One must be very careful not to speak against Rav Auerbach shlita. A great Rosh Yeshiva known for his understanding and empathy. I don’t understand clearly why he is so strong on this subject but am sure he has his reasons

  2. I find it hard to believe that he would make such a drastic extreme statement. If true it is sad that machlokes can being a person so down.

  3. If you are an optimist, one can believe that after the election the zionists will decide not to risk their medinah by making the war on the hareidim their principle goal. There already are some signs that both LIkud and Labor are backing down on the issue of conscription.

    If you are a pessimistic, then the optimists seem to you like the Jews who thought they could talk Hitler into cutting back on his anti-Jewish policies by appealing to self-interest. In 1934 they seemed reasonable, but now we see them as fools.

    Those who favor a boycott are the latter group. The time to tear down the medinah, for better or worse, is approaching rapidly and its too late for compromise. Only history will tell who is right.

  4. “As the Sephardi community is sharply divided in this election”. Is there a reason why YWN(and the rest of the world)says this only about the sefardim . Look whats going on with degel and bnei torah by the ashkenazim. Physicall fights and saying dirty things about one another, kicking families out of kehillos and chadorim. I think its time to look in a mirror and stop speaking bad about the sefardi community

  5. About Time: The only sad part is that a baal haboss such as yourself suddenly becomes a “former” admirer of a Godol HaDor because the Godol HaDor took a shitta different than your own rov or another godol. Thankfully you weren’t around in the days of Hillel and Shammai or you would’ve become a “former admirer” of one or the other.

  6. Isn’t there some proclamation one could make when voting indicating that this vote is to strengthen the charedei tzibur and not to sanction any coalition’s actions that were performed against the tzibur?
    Will HaGaon HaRav regret his actions when Leftists give away half of Jerusalem and the security situation for all Jews is worsened?
    Sometimes, ideals have to be tempered with practical considerations, IMHO.

  7. In general, I’m against such pronouncements by Rabbonim because people stop taking them seriously and then may not listen when they should.

    On the other hand, in this instance, and I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, it was reported in Israel that during an interview, MK Litzman said that they won’t object to sitting in a coalition with Meretz, just not with Lapid for at least a year.

    Meretz is the Eirev Rav on steroids and is in favor of every toveiva and about compromising our security that would put us in danger.

    Basically, what he is saying is, that providing you give us the funds we demand and end the draft issue we can accept anything else and that Torah standards aren’t so important.

  8. Dear BarryLs1
    Sitting with meretz is not all that difficult. The general economics are similar (a more socialist attitude).the
    major issues are draft and funds. If that is overcome not many religious issues remain that meretz could force. They also would want to stay in the government. Whatever else would come up should be deal able with or the Chareidim would leave. Therefore discussion of being in same government is possible. Lapid has much more hate and is generally untrustworthy

  9. Rabboisai this should not be a discussion. Our gedolim can speak amongst themselves and you must remain silent a listen to your Rabbonim. Noone has any bussiness saying their dayos. These are all Gedolei Hador.

  10. The Chareidim will be stronger in a Labor coalition since Labor will need to keep the Chareidim in much more than a Likud coalition.

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