NJ: Jewish Assemblyman Gary Schaer Condemns Marlboro School Board VP’s Anti-Muslim Comments

SchaerAssemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Bergen/Passaic) on Thursday condemned Marlboro School Board Vice President Victoria Dean’s derogatory and insensitive comments about the Muslim faith and called for her resignation.

On February 8, Dean posted on Facebook the comment “Pandora’s box opened” in regards to the New York City school district’s plan to honor two Muslim holidays, Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, by not scheduling tests, field trips or major school events on those religious holidays. Ms. Dean subsequently “liked” another Facebook comment below that contained inflammatory, racist remarks.

“This is not just any member of the community making an ignorant, inappropriate and unacceptable comment. Ms. Dean is an elected official charged with overseeing the public education of our children.

“Elected officials are expected to represent everyone equally and fairly, and recognize the melting pot that is America. As a member of a minority faith, I know first hand the damage that can be caused by defamatory and racist speech. There is no place for discrimination and intolerance in New Jersey and this nation.

“Ms. Dean should immediately resign her position.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. you can’t slander the muslim faith, because no matter what derogatory thing you say about the faith your invariably telling the truth

  2. #1 arib,

    Yup. Liberals in America are the ones who stand up against the bigots for religious minorities like us. Conservatives want to Establish Christianity as the official religion here (57% of Republicans according to a recent poll).

  3. she should not resign she should be given a medal for her courage. anyway does he think that his stupid chanife will make the muslims into jew lovers if what he saya is because his liberalism then he is no better then our enemies

  4. To charliehall, the LIBERAL

    Will Liberals like you also protect the religious store owners who refuse to bake cakes for homosexual “weddings” when order by courts and governments to do so? Or will you protect religious “minorities” who object to pay for abortions to their employees mandated by Obamacare?

  5. CharlieHall- 1) Moishe in Golus is 100% correct above. 2)Liberals stand up against bigots?? You must have forgotten who was fighting for segregation and who was fighting against it.

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