MK Litzman: Degel Agreed to Invite HaGaon Rav Auerbach

aueAccording to MK Yaakov Litzman in an interview with Kikar Shabbos, Degel Hatorah officials have agreed to invite HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita to the Wednesday night election gathering being held in Bnei Brak.

Litzman spoke as he was campaigning, explaining “it is no secret there are problems. Everyone is aware of this”. He stated that above all, everyone must be cognizant of what is at stake and the need for every eligible voter to cast a ballot for Gimmel. He added that clearly if the Yerushalmi faction boycotts the election, those votes in turn will go to Yair Lapid and his Yesh Atid party.

He explained the joint kenos planned for Yerushalayim did not actualize and therefore, the Degel faction is hosting its own in Bnei Brak without official participation of the Agudas Yisrael faction. He reveals the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita and other gedolim refused to participate on Wednesday night without Rav Auerbach.

Yahadut Hatorah officials continue efforts to persuade Rav Auerbach to instruct his followers to vote for Gimmel in the elections. They fear if the Yerushalmi faction does indeed boycott elections, it may lose a seat or more.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Yes, but if Gimmel succeeds, then the the whole burden of protecting our country will rest on the shoulders of the non-Chareidim young boys, and the Chareidim will do very little all day just keep on looking for things to protest about.

  2. To #1

    The chareidim learn Torah with mesiras nefesh, that is the greatest protection!!!!

    Just because you see a few dozen trouble makers doesn’t give you the right and justification to knock down THOUSANDS of Bnei Torah who learn with Meairas Nefesh.

    Shame on you!!!!

    Your comment is typical propaganda used by Leitzim, which Dovid Hamelech writes “Im Leitzim Lo Yoshov” ….

  3. #1, We are all in peril now here in Israel…the fear of a Left takeover is great.
    All datiim have to join together.
    Those non-Charedi boys you speak about valiantly and willingly serve the Nation of Israel by choosing to serve in kravi units…there is no “equality of burden”…how is coming home every nite from a military office in Tel HaShomer “equal” to patrolling the Golan? Chareidim realize this (as well as smart Defense Ministers, like Yaalon) and serve in another capacity by learning and praying and keeping the torch of Torah burning constantly, day and night.
    May they all be successful and save us from a bad decree, G-d forbid.

  4. How ironic it is to use a Posuk written by Dovid Hamelech, when Dovid sent hundreds of thousands of Erliche boys to fight in the army.
    If learning exempts serving your country, why isn’t that noble concept mentioned even ONCE in all of the thousands of Pesukim of Tenaach?

  5. And the Torah decisions of the torah leaders of all times are part of the Torah SheBa’alPeh, including the torah leaders of today, interpreting and applying the Torah to the present generations, each kehillah according to their leaders and mesorah

  6. Dovid Hamelechs army was fighting wars for Hashem, and included only yarei shamayim. And see the famous gemara about the Malach coming to Yehoshuah during a war to punish him for Bittul Torah. And the gemara also says that half the army used to fight while half used to daven, and they split the spoils equally. I don’t think the IDF qualifies as such an appropriate place for yarei shamayim. It was designed to be a melting pot, to mold everyone in the same culture. It therefore had a din of shaas hashmad, and is yaharog v’al ya’avor. The IDF themselves admit that they only draft girls to entice the boys. All anti religious people should be reading yediot achronot, not YWN.

  7. actually in Tanach in Shir Hashirim says האלף לך שלמה ומאתיים לנוטרים את פריו and this means that the king may take some soldiers but he must leave the yeshivos to learn.

  8. Yira, how about Tehilim 122:2
    עמדות היו רגלינו בשעריך ירושלים
    which the gemara in Makos 10a translates as:
    מי גרם לרגלינו שיעמדו במלחמה שערי ירושלים שהיו עוסקים בתורה

  9. To 15

    But why not even one single mention of all these beautiful concepts, in all of the thousands of Pesukim in Tenaach.
    There is no mention in the Pesukim of Yehoshua learning or of Dovid learning. After all isn’t the learning of Torah the most important thing? It’s not something to hide.

  10. #5 Yira – in truth in order to change your mind on this issue it would take a long discussion, so I will not bother arguing with you here as it is wasted words.

    However, I’d like to bring out one point based on your “heroic” “proof” from Dovid HaMelech.

    May I remind you that Dovid HaMelech was punished for having too much bloodshed on his hands. As a result he did not merit to see the completion of the Beis HaMikdash. Do you also want to face a similar fate?

    Purim just past. The main lesson to be learnt is Emunas Chachamim. It appears that you have not ingrained that lesson. Hopefully in the end of days you will realize your mistake just as the Jews of those times did.

  11. To #17

    It might be disrespectful to Dovid Melech Yisroel, to threaten a perceived sinner, that he will be punished just like Dovid was.

  12. Yira ,

    You want them to fight? For North Korea? For Malaysia ?Or for State that attempts in part to somewhat follow the Torah? Or CH”V The opposite?For what and who ?

    Are you supporting ,joining together, or maligning those who are pushing to stop the worse case scenario from rapidly developing ?

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