Swastikas Ripped From California House, New Sign Goes Up

ssA California man put up a new sign on his house Tuesday, a day after a protester tore down swastikas posters and a wooden statue that accompanied the display.

The new sign on the front door of the Sacramento home reads “TERRORISM?” in blue text, according to The Sacramento Bee.

In the initial signs, swastikas replaced the blue Star of David on an Israeli flag and the stars on an American flag.

Neighbors and state lawmakers had urged the homeowner to take down the offensive signs but acknowledge he has a right to free speech.

A protester named Robert Dixon took responsibility for damaging the display, KOVR-TV, a CBS affiliate in Sacramento, reported.

“This is despicable, what this man did,” Dixon said of the homeowner. “I am going to do what I think needed to be done for this neighborhood, for these people. God bless America.”


3 Responses

  1. Dixon isn’t allowed to damage the homeowner’s property. Any sane person will find it despicable, but it’s allowed by the same laws that protect us.

  2. @ duckduckgoose. Do you think Isis can also propagandize their fanatical ideology by utilizing their “freedom of expression”? In essence yes, but you must differentiate between expressing beliefs and recruiting fighters, hence anyone wishing to kill people cannot be allowed “freedom of expression.”

    Laws in a democracy are not absolute, since they were written for for upstanding citizens. When dealings with unethical people laws must be modified accordingly.

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