NY Assembly Proposes Hikes In Minimum Wage

mwaThe New York Assembly’s Democratic majority has proposed raising the state’s minimum wage twice over the next three years, with higher levels for the New York City area.

The statewide minimum is $8.75, scheduled to reach $9 next year.

The Assembly Democrats, in their budget proposal, say the minimum hourly wage upstate should rise to $10.50 in 2017 and two years later to $12.60.

For tipped workers it would increase at the same time to $7.50 and later to $9.

In New York City, Westchester County and Long Island, the minimum wage would rise to $12.50 in 2017 and two years later to $15.

Tipped wages there would rise to $9.50 and later to $11.40.

Inflation indexing would begin in 2019.

Rates are higher than Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed.


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