Portions of the Knesset Were Constructed without Building Permits

knessetThe Hagihon Water Company which serves Jerusalem is suing the Knesset for 11.1 million NIS for building a water system and sewage surcharges. The lawsuit was filed on 11 Adar 5775 in the Jerusalem District Court. The water utility claims that it has learned that some of the fees for building the infrastructure for the Knesset have never been paid. What is no less significant is the fact that if the allegations are true, building permits were never issued for the Knesset.

Attorneys Aviv Bernet and Tal Ohr, who represent Hagihon, are demanding payment dating back to September 2011. The water company adds it has done everything by the book and the amount due is based on precise measuring to eliminate any shadow of doubt regarding its claim.

The suit says that nevertheless, the Knesset has ignored the sum and opted not to pay, insisting the charge is not legal and if it was, the statute of limitations eliminates any claim. Knesset legal officials maintain the water company’s allegations are baseless including charges dating back to infrastructure costs, pointing out the Knesset was built over 50 years ago.

Hagihon maintains the Knesset hooked itself up to the sewage system with authority and without the necessary permits from the water company. The utility company maintains the Knesset was built without permits and infrastructure and development fees required by law were left unpaid. It adds the infrastructure costs are new and therefore, the statute of limitations does not apply as Knesset officials claim to be the case.

Hagihon adds in recent years, a large area has been added to the Knesset complex and this too was not paid.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “Hagihon adds in recent years, a large area has been added to the Knesset complex and this too was not paid”

    What a bunch of fools. If they didn’t pay you the first time, why would you continue doing business with them? Something shtimt nisht.

    Its high time to close that “house of ill repute” (otherwise known as the Knesset) once and for all.

  2. Are the going to demolish the portions built without permits as they do to the citizens of the country? Or how they destroy homes of Palestinians?

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