Bnei Torah Party: We Are Not Negotiating with Any Party

aueThe daily HaPeles newspaper affiliated with the Bnei Torah party or more commonly known as the Yerushalmi branch, reports the party is not carrying on any negotiations with any party at this time despite reports to the contrary – as Hagon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita met this afternoon with the Vishnitzer Rebbe.

The report explains that the differences between Bnei Torah party and the chareidi parties is so vast there is no place for negotiations at present and any reports of ongoing talks are not true and are nothing more than an effort to “throw sand in the eyes of the public”.

HaPeles adds that due to the current electoral crisis the rumors are “working to reach a solution” are being spread while in essence this is not the case. The newspaper then speaks of the bnei torah who were imprisoned because of the draft and the “gezeiros shmad” against the chareidi tzibur.

To date, it appears that HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita is instructing his followers not to vote in the upcoming elections. Yahadut Hatorah officials fear if the tens of thousands of Bnei Torah faction followers do indeed boycott the election it could cost a seat or more.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Presumably by boycotting, they are clearly aligning themselves with position of the Eidis hareidis (inc. Satmar, NK, etc.). De facto, this means they are writing off the medinah as someone you can negotiate with and are preparing for the confrontation that will result when they start arresting non-zionist hareidim who object to military service knowing that those hareidim will be trying to mortally wound the medinah by public rejecting conscription, which will have serious international repercussions. In effect, boycotting is saying the matter is hopeless, compromise is no longer possible, and let’s get ready to fight.

  2. Stop with the baseles propaganda already! “Tens of thousands of Bnai Torah faction followers”???? No one dreams there are even seven or eight thousand. Why should YWN propogate the false impression that this break-off from the normative Torah world is anything more than it is?

    Kol HaKavod for the Vizhnitzer Rebbe -a true melech in Klal Yisroel- who cares nothing for his own kavod and lowers himself to personally speak with the individuals who are behind the perversion of the “Peleg HaYerushalmi” in order to quell the rebellion and bring them back in to the Torah machane.

    It is amazing that Rav Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky and virtually all the Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolei Torah of Eretz Yisroel are united but YWN gives space to the small Peleg faction that lists less than a mezuman of noted Torah authorities amongst its backers..

  3. the Bnai Torah faction will only succeed in putting votes in the toilet which could have gone to one of the major religious parties like gimel..

    so what does R. Aurebach gain? gornisht! we all lose…

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