Obama Says Voter ID Laws Can Be Barrier to the Ballot Box

obaPresident Barack Obama says voter ID laws can be a barrier to voting, and the government needs a revitalized Voting Rights Act to police ballot box discrimination.

Obama tells CBS’ “Sunday Morning” that the Justice Department must have the right tools to go after a place that’s discriminating against certain voters and fix the problem.

The president also is troubled by photo ID requirements. He says that in some places, getting a photo ID can cost up to $150 — and that can be a burden for someone who’s on a fixed income and not driving anymore and doesn’t have a license.

A Supreme Court ruling in 2013 eliminated the Justice Department’s ability under the Voting Rights Act to identify and stop potentially discriminatory voting laws before they took effect.


9 Responses

  1. Photo ID will make it harder to cheat, that’s a huge problem for the president and the dems.

    It boggles the mind how stupid the president thinks people are. How can any body be against photo IDs? And why should it cost $150? It shouldn’t cost more than $10! Costco prints cards so can the government (need a better photo though)

  2. It’s a definite barrier. For example, it prevents votes being cast by my parents, grandparents and great-grand parents. Afterall, if someone voted for President Roosevelt (Theodore), why should they lose their franchise just because the hevra kadish hauled them away – the Democrats have a tradition of casting votes on their behalf, which the mean anti-Democratic Republicans are objecting to.

    And what about fictitious characters? Why shouldn’t Mickey Mouse and Mister Spock be allowed to vote?

    And of course there are people who aren’t residents of the district, or are aliens, who who are voting in multiple districts?

    Voter ID is a conspiracy to undermine the “base” of the Democratic party.

  3. Tough interviewer. Why didn’t he follow up by saying: $150? Seriously? And why wouldn’t our magnanimous president just demand another appropriation bill to pay the $150 for anyone who couldn’t afford it? Say like the free Obamaphone.

  4. He’s gotta be the absolute dumbest person is he really believes that. The thing is he doesn’t really believe it. The ONLY reason Obama and the democheats are against the ID law is because that will take away a major cheating method of theirs.

  5. Hmm. You need photo id to buy a gun. But not to vote.
    You need it for booze, too. Shows you what is important to liberals.

  6. “Why should it cost $150”

    Silly boy, it is because the purpose of this isn’t to keep illegal voters from voting, it is to keep LEGAL voters from voting. (The Republican leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives admitted this!) Why this isn’t an unconstitutional poll tax is beyond me.

  7. “All voter id States offer a free ID”

    That is a lie. The ID itself may be free, but they do not reimburse for the cost of the documentation needed to obtain the ID, which can be costly (and a pain to get).

  8. “You need photo id to buy a gun”

    No, you don’t — in most states. In fact, you can be on the terrorist watch list or a convicted felon and buy a gun without an ID.

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