Ramat Beit Shemesh: Toddler Left in a Parked Vehicle

cicIsrael Police detained and questioned a father on Sunday, 17 Adar, who appears to have left his 2-year-old toddler in a vehicle and headed to work.

A woman phoned police at 8:20 AM when she saw the child left along in the vehicle, noting a window was open a bit. She was able to get the child out and he was reported in good condition.

Police notified social services and began to search for the parents. The mother was located at home. The father returned to the vehicle at 09:50 AM, at which time he was detained for questioning. It appears he forgot the child as he headed to work. The child was returned to the mother’s custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I’d like to know; was the father angry that somebody mixed into his personal family matters or was he thankful to the woman? If he was angry then he should be pursued

  2. It was over 80 degrees Sunday in RBS (though cooler in the morning). B”H someone saw and cared enough to do something…

    an Israeli Yid

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