Chabad Bais Din: I Haven’t Disqualified any Party In Upcoming Elections

rebbeSecretary of the Chabad Beis Din in Eretz Yisrael HaRav Yitzchak Yehuda Yerusalvski clarifies that he did not disqualify any party in the upcoming elections. In his letter of clarification the rav explains he is not backing any party and he is not disqualifying any party.

It appears the rav’s clarification is his response amid rumors he has disqualified one of the chareidi parties.

He emphasizes the Rebbe called on followers to vote for the most chareidi party that adheres to three principles; Shleimus Ha’Am, Haaretz and Torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. His emphasis disqualifies 2 of the 3 charedi parties…

    One of the parties, with it’s current party leader, supported leaving Gush Katif. (Shas)

    One of the parties, in the last few months, threatened to give away towns in the Shomron (in retaliation for the draft law). (Yahadut HaTorah)

    That leaves…

  2. Why would Chabad alienate anyone. They have friends and supporters in all parties. Their concept of “Shleimus ha’am” doesn’t leave out even hilonim. Their support of “Ha-areetz” doesn’t preclude discouraging aliyah in order to preseve marginal diaspora communities. Their support of Torah is amazingingly non-political. Not only do they have supporters and friends in Yachad, Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah, but also in Yisrael Beiteinu, Meretz and Yesh Atid (and perhaps even among some of the Jewish supporters of the Arab Block – Chabad is like that).

    P.S. To AkivaM – Yahadut ha-Torah isn’t offering to give away the settlements “in retaliation” for the conscription of yeshiva students, but is quite willing to give up the settlements to preserve the yeshivos, since from an hareidi perspective, Eretz Yisrael without Torah is worthless (as opposed to the zionist approach which holds that Torah without political control of Eretz Yisrael is without value).

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