10,000s at Rabin Square: Israel Wants a Change

daganJust how many members of Israel’s left-wing community took part in a motzei Shabbos rally demanding a change in government remains a subject of controversy. Organizers of the event report that 80,000 people took part in the event. Israel Police places the number at 25,000. The daily Maariv placed the number at “over 50,000”, while Yediot Achronot quoted police placing the number at 40,000.

The shout from Rabin Square was “Replace the government” as rally organizers hoped the event will stir up voters to get out on Election Day to vote against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Among the notables taking part were former Mossad Director Meir Dagan and former Labor party leader Amram Mitzne. Dagan warned that Israel is surrounded by enemies but that does not scare his as much as the current Israeli leadership.

Former US Ambassador to Israel Dennis Ross, who mediated talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) told Yisrael Hayom states Israel never offered withdrawing to pre-’67 lines.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. AMERICA wanted change and got the worst government ever;even worst than Carter and the world canliterally blow up because of it

  2. Anyone who considers Obama the worst President ever is a complete ignoramus on American history. Try reading about Pierce, Buchanan, Grant, and Harding some time.

    Or even read about Obama’s predecessor George W. Bush. He lied to get us into a disastrous war whose negative consequences continue to multiply, and his policies destroyed the economy. Also remember that it was GWB, not Obama, who said “Islam is Peace”.

    Carter was a great improvement over Ford, who was the second most hostile President towards Israel ever. (The first was Eisenhower, by miles and miles.)

  3. Please follow acclaimed investigator journalist Aron Klein’s lead who is investigating who financed and assembled this protest. Mainly American engineered anti government publicity stunt.This is the tip of the iceberg. It gets worse.

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